I reworked your code some and got it to work properly as far as my
testing found.

tell application "BBEdit"

        set _current_line_number to startLine of selection
        -- Find the character offset for the cursor position
        set aaa to (characterOffset of line (startLine of selection)) of
front window
        set zzz to (characterOffset of selection)
        set _current_point to zzz - aaa

        -- Get the column number of the first non-whitespace character
        set _line_contents to contents of line _current_line_number of front
        set _chars to characters of _line_contents
        repeat with _i from 1 to count _chars
                if item _i of _chars is not in {space, tab} then
                        set _first_non_whitespace_char to _i
                        exit repeat
                end if
        end repeat
        set _smart_point to _first_non_whitespace_char
        select (character (_smart_point) of line (startLine of selection) of
front window)
        select insertion point before selection of front window
        tell application "System Events"
                if _current_point is equal to (_smart_point - 1) then
                        -- Just go to start of line
                        key code 123 using command down
                end if
        end tell
end tell


On Jul 30, 1:45 pm, offtone <aaro...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Why isn't this working? For some reason _current_point and
> _smart_point never match... Even when I run it with the cursor before
> the first non-whitespace character (at the smart point, basically).
> And how would I go about getting the startColumn of a character in the
> line? Is there a shortcut for that, or would I have to iterate each
> character and basically count a "tab" as 4 columns (which may even
> change depending on user preferences...)?
> What I have so far (Frankensteined from posts above):
> tell application "BBEdit"
>         activate
>         set _current_line_number to startLine of selection
>         set _current_point to insertion point
>         -- Get the column number of the first non-whitespace character
>         tell the front document
>                 set _line_contents to contents of line _current_line_number
>                 set _chars to characters of _line_contents
>                 repeat with _i from 1 to count _chars
>                         if item _i of _chars is not in {space, tab} then
>                                 set _first_non_whitespace_char to _i
>                                 exit repeat
>                         end if
>                 end repeat
>                 set _smart_point to (get insertion point before character
> _first_non_whitespace_char of line _current_line_number)
>         end tell
>         tell application "System Events"
>                 if _current_point is equal to _smart_point then
>                         -- Just go to start of line
>                         key code 123 using command down
>                 else
>                         -- Go to start of line, then skip over whitespace
>                         key code 123 using {shift down, command down}
>                         key code 124 using {shift down, option down}
>                 end if
>         end tell
> end tell

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