One idea. Create some AppleScript that does a Special Paste that finds
out what column you're using indented at then applies the indentation
to to everything after the first line of the text on the clipboard,
then pastes the resulting text into the document. So it doesn't
directly do what you want, but allows you to pre-process rather than

I suppose you may be able to create a different kind of script that
records the initial cursor position, and after pasting, will select
back to that point. I think that's doable and would be less code than
the above idea.


On Aug 5, 9:49 am, Tom <> wrote:
> Is there any way to have the block of text that I have pasted into a
> document be automatically selected so I can then use other commands on
> that text immediately?
> For example, I usually Shift-left or right the block so the pasted
> code has the right indentation to match the surrounding code.  I find
> it annoying to go from the keyboard using Command-V to the mouse to
> reselect the block I just inserted to then go back to the keyboard and
> use Command-[ or Command-].  This is even more annoying when the
> inserted block of code is more than a page length.
> Any suggestions?
> Thanks
> Tom

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