On 2010-08-05, at 15:49, Tom wrote:

> Is there any way to have the block of text that I have pasted into a
> document be automatically selected so I can then use other commands on
> that text immediately?
> For example, I usually Shift-left or right the block so the pasted
> code has the right indentation to match the surrounding code.  I find
> it annoying to go from the keyboard using Command-V to the mouse to
> reselect the block I just inserted to then go back to the keyboard and
> use Command-[ or Command-].  This is even more annoying when the
> inserted block of code is more than a page length.
> Any suggestions?


tell application "BBEdit"
        set textLength to length of current clipboard
        tell text window 1
                set startingPoint to characterOffset of selection
                paste current clipboard
                select (characters startingPoint thru (startingPoint + 
textLength - 1))
        end tell
end tell


This works with the current clipboard. Doing the same while cycling throught 
the clipboard set is going to be more difficult.


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