
I'm sorry that I didn't see this until now, but did you ever get an answer to this?

The solution, if nobody else told you, is to create your own Codeless Language Module. If that's truly the ONLY thing you want it to do, then your module is going to be extremely simple.

See here: 

On 12/15/2010, Nick Matzke said:

So when I look at a .tex file (for LaTex) I see that BBedit colors the
formatting words that start with a backslash, e.g.:

\author{Nick Matzke}



\texttt{kruskal.test} colors them blue, which is very nice for readability.

However, I am editing .Snw files, not tex directly, and I only want to
add the blue-color behavior for .Snw files, not other features BBedit
does to .tex feils (e.g. $ this stuff gets colored pink $)

So I can't just copy a tex.plist file (which doesn't exist anyway, I
guess because coloring for tex is default and so specified somewhere
other than /Users/nick/Library/Application\ Support/BBEdit/Language\
Modules/ .

Advice would be very welcome. Cheers!!

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