> So let me get this straight.   I've been a faithful customer for over
> 15 years, buying every single BBEdit upgrade.  And yet brand new users
> can buy the product for the exact same price in the AppStore that I
> can "upgrade" for?  That sucks.

Really? You’re *really* going to get indignant because other people should
pay the same price you’ve been paying for 15 years? You’re really going to
infer that this “act” by Barebones is somehow going to tarnish your “faithful”
customer status? What I really want to say is: the amount of new users, at
this price, will heavily outweigh your “taking my toys and going home”.
Good riddance, et. al., et. al.

Personally, I think this is a good move. And not because more people can use
it or because Barebones has been raping my wallet for years (they haven’t) or
because I think other software exists which equal the quality of BBEdit.

It’s a different environment now. The 99 cents of the iTunes App Store has
turned the software-buying audience into a group of people who don’t need
to actually think about purchasing software anymore. When something is less
than a candy bar, it’s becomes a daily impulse not a chin-scratcher.

This mentality is going to accelerate to the desktop pretty quickly with
the enforced Mac App Store, with most price points being less than 10 USD.

Barebones isn’t the first, of course - you’ve likely seen the hubbub over
the new Final Cut Pro. Apple isn’t marketing toward the pro market anymore,
and in the public’s eye, there’s no comparing a “text editor” at $125 to
even something like iMovie at $14.99.

It’s a perception problem, and I don’t think BBEdit
would last long in an post-MAS market at $125.

Morbus Iff ( they should rename controlled chaos to morbus droppings )
http://www.disobey.com/ and http://www.disobey.com/wiki/
twitter: @morbusiff / skype: morbusiff / irc.freenode.net, Morbus
An O'Reilly author and blogger: http://www.oreillynet.com/pub/au/779

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