here's what i'm seeing:

   .py docs have the correct icon
   .txt docs have the correct icon
   .pl docs have the correct icon
   .growlRegDict docs have the correct icons

nothing else does.

using 'get info' to 'open with...' to another program correctly
switches all icons... but switching 'open with...' back to bbedit just
switches back to the results reported above.

why was this NOT an issue with 9, and now an issue with 10?



On Jul 24, 5:43 pm, Charles Henderson <> wrote:
> On Jul 24, 2011, at 12:09 AM, Chris Ryan wrote:
> > I'm seeing the same incorrecticonseverywhere. And I don't think the
> > creator code changes explain this: it's clearly related to BBEdit 10.
> > I upgraded on 10.6.8 and it persists on 10.7.
> I agree, Chris. The icon can be correctly changed for 1 document at a time. 
> It's only when the "Change All..." function is attempted that alliconsconvert 
> to the Terminal icon. But TextWrangler works correctly, even using "Change 
> All...", under the very same OS.
> What is BBEdit doing differently than TextWrangler?
> --Charles

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