I'd really like to see the modal find dialog box back again as well.
With the new(ish)* non-modal find dialog box, I can no longer toggle
grep with cmd-G, case sensitivity with cmd-N, multi-file search with
cmd-M, start at top with cmd-T and Match entire words with cmd-E.

I'll willingly use the new non-modal dialog box if there's a way to re-
enable these command shortcuts.  Anyone know how?


* Yes I know they're not strictly speaking new as they were introduced
in v9.something but there was a hidden preference to bring the modal
dialog back, but v10 has removed the hidden preference and it makes me
sad.  I know it always sounds like the idle threat of a petulant child
to say "I won't upgrade until they fix X", but the reality is that I
use these shortcuts all the time, so I really can't upgrade until I
find a way around the issue.

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