On Aug 3, 2011, at 12:26 PM, Rick Yentzer wrote:

> Hey, I like the indenting certain tags in order to format my code a certain 
> way. 
> For instance,
> <div id="name"></div>
> If the insertion point is between the >< I would hit the following keys 
> before I'm ready to insert my next line of code:
> return + tab + return, then move back one line to where the "tab" is.
> <div id="name">
>     "tab"Begin code here
> </div>
> Is there a way to adjust the default setting for this? If not is there an 
> applescript that I could trigger with a hotkey to perform these actions for 
> me?

I think a clipping file with:


(where <CR> expands to a literal return, and <TAB> is a literal tab) would do 
the trick.


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