On Sep 7, 9:09 pm, ascarter <ascar...@gmail.com> wrote:
> And here's a script that you can run in BBEdit to build the tags file for
> the currently active project. I tried adding it as an attachment script for
> documentDidSave but it didn't seem to fire.
> https://github.com/ascarter/BBEdit-ApplicationSupport/blob/master/Scr...

Minutes after posting a question related to this script I've figured
it out:

1. name the script Document.documentDidSave.scpt

2. add the following code:

on documentDidSave()
end documentDidSave

3. when saving the script make sure that it is saved as Script + Run
only (nb: according to the documentation the script must be compiled
and I assume Run only option means it is compiled)

4. done

Thanks a lot,


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