I haven't tried to integrate this directly into BBEdit, but you could try looking at Pandoc or Bookbind, which are both command-line utilities for generating EPUB books. Bookbind (which is my own tool) is really designed to process Markdown documents but can handle pre-made XHTML instead; Pandoc can theoretically use HTML, Markdown, rST, Textile, DocBook and LaTeX input files.

[bookbind]: https://github.com/chipotle/bookbind
[pandoc]: http://johnmacfarlane.net/pandoc/

Eelco Deuling <mailto:deulingee...@gmail.com>
August 4, 2012 2:32
I use BBEdit to prepare my ePubs and used eCub to generate the .toc and .opf files. However, eCub starts to show it's age: I could not include video and audio files so I switched to Sigil. I dislike Sigil because I have to use the naming convention of this program and it is sometimes very slow with large ePub files, because every time you save a project it has to repack the ePub.

I was wondering if there is a way to generate the .toc and .opf files with BBEdit: I think this could be done with a shell script or a regex text factory that wraps a list (based on file extensions or tags) but I do not know enough to make it work. Is there someone that could help me with this? It would be great if I could use only BBEdit.
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