I am glad you are not offended, and maybe your solution is indeed what I 
need… But I agree you should add some documentation, as I cannot get it to 
Like I said: I am new to Python, and the solution I work on is my first 
effort. I did use parts of Bookbind to write it :-) and I am the first to 
agree I am not good in programming.
I will try again to get Bookbind working.

Op vrijdag 10 augustus 2012 08:11:49 UTC+2 schreef Watts Martin het 
> Don't worry, I'm not offended. You mostly just made me realize that even 
> if Bookbind is mostly "done," it needs a lot of documentation work still. :)
> But, your workflow sounds *close* to that of the book I wrote Bookbind to 
> create, with the exception of the images, as I didn't have any of those. My 
> chapters were in Markdown but the front matter was in straight HTML, and I 
> wrote my own CSS. Bookbind doesn't generate any CSS at all; it just 
> includes the files you point it to. The only files it generates are the 
> EPUB-specific ones, and of course HTML files produced by processing with 
> Markdown -- but it can include HTML files directly without processing them. 
> (And, of course, Markdown can include embedded HTML. In my book I 
> occasionally included <span class="smallcaps">Small Caps</span> for certain 
> passages, and that works just fine.)
> I don't want to "advertise" Bookbind, but if nothing else, you might want 
> to see if there are bits of code you want to use, since it looked like you 
> were also writing in Python.
>   Eelco Deuling <javascript:>
>  August 9, 2012 23:01 
> Hello Wats Martin,
> I am sorry if I did sound offensive: that was not my intention. I "more or 
> less" understand what Bookbind tries to do but for me it won't work, 
> because Markdown has not enough support for classes, id's etc.
> I usually start with a InDesign document (a "completed" book for print) 
> where I use grep to place Markdown tags. I copy/paste the text in BBEdit, 
> convert Markdown to HTML and divide the document into chapters. I could do 
> this with your program, and for a textbook this would be enough.
> After this I start to expand the markup using classes, especially for the 
> different kind of images (with text-wrap, as page-sized, etc). If I am 
> happy with the result I can "pack" it as an epub, where I look at this part 
> of the process as the last part: like generating the PDF-X1 flattened file 
> print houses in the Netherlands demand.
> So: I want to be able to make HTML/CSS *before* the generation of the 
> epub, in your solution it is generated *during* the process.
> -- 
> -- 
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>   Watts Martin <javascript:>
>  August 9, 2012 9:33 
>  I'll express a *mild* objection here. :) Bookbind is designed to let you 
> use your own stylesheet for a book and even to override individual pages if 
> necessary. While the main reason I wrote it is because I write prose in 
> Markdown these days, being able to do custom styling was pretty important 
> to me; I was a professional typesetter many years ago and have done 
> magazine and book design in the past.
> Clearly I'm going to have to start writing actual documentation sometime 
> soon...
> At any rate, I know that Pandoc can also let you include a stylesheet, 
> although IIRC it's not as flexible. (But it may -- ahem -- have better 
> documentation.)
>   Eelco Deuling <javascript:>
>  August 9, 2012 1:29 
> Hello Maarten,
> Thank you for "cleaning up" my script, and thank you for pointing out to 
> http://code.google.com/p/python-epub-builder/.
> I did find this myself before, but I staggered mentally when I read the 
> introduction in the Wiki to "create a epub in five minutes", as I hardly 
> understand a word in it (and this is just using the "simple API").
> The problem is I cannot find a solution that does *just* what I want it 
> to do and *nothing more*. I have tried all the WYSIWYG epub editors and 
> generators, and they all fail me some way or another: they mess up my CSS, 
> refuse to work with my media or generate a non valid epub.
> Most solutions posted here (like the python-epub-builder, Bookbind by 
> Watts Martin, etc.) are good to generate epub's from text documents, 
> converting those on-the-fly from Markdown or a similar markup language. 
> Unfortunately they will not work for me, as they tend to use more or less 
> *generic* CSS and not the *custom* HTML and CSS I want to use (as a 
> designer I want to make not only readable books but they should look great 
> as well and every book should have it's own CSS).
> With regards,
> Eelco
> -- 
> -- 
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>   Maarten Sneep <javascript:>
>  August 8, 2012 12:31 
> Hi,
> On 8 aug. 2012, at 14:03, Eelco Deuling <deuli...@gmail.com> <javascript:> 
> wrote:
> I have finished "part one": make a directory structure and all the necessary 
> files for an epub.
> As this is my first-ever python script there should be some things wrong, but 
> it works:
> Let me help you out. The script is not too shabby, but could use some cleanup.
> #!/usr/bin/env python
> #>> This uses the system python. Slightly more flexible.
> ####################################################################
> # call the operating system (?)
> #>> Load the 'os' module in python. 
> #>> This contains a lot of functionality for interaction with the os
> ####################################################################
> import os
> ####################################################################
> # create the directory structure
> ####################################################################
> My_Epub = "epub"
> if not os.path.exists(My_Epub):
>     os.mkdir(My_Epub)
> root_path = "./epub/"
> folders = ["META-INF", "OEBPS", "OEBPS/texts", "OEBPS/css", "OEBPS/media", 
> "OEBPS/fonts"]
> for folder in folders:
>    os.mkdir(os.path.join(root_path,folder))
> ####################################################################
> # create the mimetype file
> #>> Use os.path.join() here too
> #>> Your version didn't close the file (explicitly). 
> #>> It was implicitly closed on script-end.
> ####################################################################
> with open(os.path.join(My_Epub, "mimetype"), "w") as fp:
>     fp.write("application/epub+zip")
> ####################################################################
> # create the container xml file
> ####################################################################
> My_Container_xml = """<?xml version="1.0" ?>
> <container version="1.0" 
> xmlns="urn:oasis:names:tc:opendocument:xmlns:container">
> <rootfiles>
> <rootfile full-path="OEBPS/content.opf" 
> media-type="application/oebps-package+xml" />
> </rootfiles>
> </container>
> """
> with open(os.path.join(My_Epub, "META-INF", "container.xml"),"w") as fp:
>     fp.write(My_Container_xml)
> ####################################################################
> # create empty toc.ncx and empty content.opf
> ####################################################################
> with open(os.path.join(My_Epub, "OEBPS", "toc.ncx"), "w") as fp:
>     fp.write("")
> with open(os.path.join(My_Epub, "OEBPS", "content.opf"), "w") as fp:
>     fp.write("")
> ----
> This gives me the chance to copy all html files, my css, images, fonts and 
> movie files to the right directories.
> Now I will have to fill the empty toc.ncx and content.opf files with the 
> right content: maybe with os.listdir…
> This will be continued (hopefully!).
> All help would be welcome!
> There is an epub python package. No need to reinvent the wheel. 
> http://code.google.com/p/python-epub-builder/
> (I've never used this code, no idea how good this is).
> Best,
> Maarten

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