Hello, I am new to BBEdit and have scanned the docs and searched for an answer 
to my questions, but perhaps the fastest way is just to ask here.  I am likely 
going to be working quite a bit with remote Linux dev environments in the near 
future, and I cannot abide emacs, vi, vim, gedit and so forth.  I would very 
much like to be able to use an OSX based text editor as my weapon of choice, 
and BBEdit looks like a very good candidate... if I can get it to do a few 
magic tricks:

* Is it possible to invoke BBEdit to edit a file using a command on a remote 
Linux machine?  The bbedit tool seems to do exactly this on the local OSX 
machine, but I'm wondering if anyone has magic that could accomplish the same 
result remotely.

* Can the BBEdit shell workspace be directed to any SSH connection?

* I am assuming that between the open via ftp/sftp, and the mounting of remote 
file systems, BBEdit should be able to access and edit the remote files.  Are 
there any gotchas here I should be aware of?

(apologies if this is a duplicate post, my first attempt seems to have gone 

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