Yeah, I hate those things too. It's just fashion in my opinion, and given 
that I tend to never read them, I suppose I didn't expect anyone else to 
try to bother, either. I'll slow it down or replace it entirely at some 

I'm *the* designer but not *a* designer. I hope the rest of the site is 
fairly usable, even if the eye candy isn't.

More importantly, I hope that you find that Balthisar Tidy is well-designed 
and usable (if it's the type of tool you would use, that is).

Bill, thanks for the kind words! Balthisar Tidy has been around for 12 
years now, and I'm pleased that people still stumble upon it.

A point to clarify in Bill's description, though: the paid version brings 
AppleScript, and it's AppleScript support that makes it simple to batch 
process files (sample on the website). And if you're handy with Xcode, you 
can even build it yourself for free (I always like to point that out 
because this is *not* a business).

On Sunday, November 9, 2014 11:22:09 AM UTC-5, Dave wrote:
> I don't love their home page.
> I may not be the speediest reader on the planet, and it is Sunday morning, 
> but I couldn't finish reading a single panel of that carousel before they 
> whisked it away. I have to wonder how people who use carousels for content 
> decide where to set the timing. Or if they even think about it.
> If you're a designer who is picky about usability and accessibility, you 
> won't follow their example.

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