Good afternoon folks,

We're working on an update to BBEdit 11.6 to address a few recently reported issues.

Note that this is a _pre-release_ version. The intent is to fix bugs and address areas of improvement based on what our customers have reported. However, since the software is at this point not fully tested, there _may_ be bugs and regressions. If this prospect makes you nervous, then sticking with the public release versions is your best course of action. Nobody will be offended if you choose to do so; you're under no obligation to install and use anything but a public release. :-)

Following is a summary of changes since the most recent public release. Complete change notes for all of the pre-release builds in this cycle are available here: <>.

The change notes are organized into additions, changes, and fixes, and are annotated where appropriate with case numbers. So if you recognize a number corresponding to a support case that was opened for you, you can now verify that it's been fixed correctly. Please take the time to review the changes before using the new build -- it'll be worth your time.

One final note: If you run into a bug in a pre-release version, PLEASE DO NOT REPORT THE BUG TO THE LIST. This includes asking about whether others have seen the same problem. Instead, please send a bug report to <> and we will deal with it there. This will help us keep the list discussion on topic and productive for all list members.


version 11.6.3 (397035) (2016-11-21)


o   (none in this build)


o   (none in this build)


-   [328442] Markdown previewing better handles github-style fenced
    codeblocks that don't specify their language.

*   [328493] Fixed a bug in the Ruby color scanner in which it would
get very upset if a heredoc was not closed before the end of the

*   Made a change to the "Open Selection" behavior so that if the
    selected text is a partial path, BBEdit will do a search using
    the "Open File by Name" mechanics, and if there's a single match,
    simply open the file rather than opening the "Open File by Name"

*   [328487] Git revision comparison now ensures a unique file name,
    to resolve an error that would occur when fetching the same
    revision data multiple times.

*   [328569] Fixed bug in which attempting to create a new file
    (using Save As) would fail without requesting privilege
    escalation, in situations when it should have done so.

*   Made changes to work around inappropriately aggressive WebKit
caching of assets used by "Preview in BBEdit" live previews. As a
    bonus, "Preview in BBEdit" live previews will now load page
    assets from documents open in BBEdit. So, for example, if you
    make edits to a CSS or JavaScript document referenced by a
    preview and then reload the preview, the changes will be visible
    immediately, without requiring you to save the CSS or JavaScript.

*   [328605] Fixed bug in which the current working directory was
    not set appropriately when running a Unix text filter; this would
    cause problems for text filters in packages that needed to locate
    resources relative to the filter itself.

*   [328578] Made a change so that using the "Open File by Name"
    command will set keyboard focus into the Open File by Name
    window's search box and select the search box's contents in cases
    where the window was already open.

*   [328705, 328716] Project window titles in the Window menu now
    omit the "`.bbprojectd`" suffix, since after all brevity is the
    soul of wit.

*   [328729] Fixed a bug in which new documents created from
    stationery with a file name extension would inappropriately try
    to auto-guess the language based on the new document's contents.

* [328761] Fixed bug in which a stray drop-down arrow was drawn in
    the navigation bar of an editing window when no document was
    being displayed.

*   [328590] The Functions and Markers palettes now remember their
    column positions and sort order.

*   [328774] Fixed bug in which clicking a close button in the
    Windows palette would not close the desired window in cases where
    the document was open in multiple windows, and alone in the
    window whose close button was clicked.

*   Made a change to the Kite support so that we only create our
Kite listener socket if Kite is actually running. This means that
    a mysterious `.kite/plugin_socks/` directory will no longer
    appear on systems where Kite isn't installed.

*   [328775] Added a new flag to `bbresults`: `-n` (or
    `--new-window`), which will force a new results window in cases
where the application might otherwise have decided to re-use an
    existing results window.

*   `bbresults` adds a new built-in pattern: `grep`, which is
    suitable for parsing the output of `grep(1)`.

*   Fixed a bug in which "Paste & Match Indentation" did not
    properly appear on the contextual menu when holding down the
    Shift and Option keys.


The package can be downloaded from our web server:



Rich Siegel
Bare Bones Software, Inc.             <>

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