> On Feb 22, 2017, at 1:40 AM, Fletcher Sandbeck <fletc...@cumuli.com> wrote:
> I've worked on converting some large sites to AMP and it has been good for 
> the HTML quality on the sites. My sites are generally dynamic, but contain 
> user submitted articles and comments so it's been a two step process. 
> Ensuring that the template and navigation of the site is AMP-friendly. And 
> then working through errors which are flagged in user content. It's been a 
> lot of work, but it has also found a lot of errors which have been on the 
> sites for years in some cases since they would sometimes pass less strict 
> HTML validation.
> I recommend the Chrome Extension which can be found in the menu here: 
> https://validator.ampproject.org/ <https://validator.ampproject.org/>  For 
> AMP pages it performs an automatic syntax check. It also makes it easy to 
> jump to the AMP equivalent of a non-AMP page.
> [fletcher]

Hello Fletcher. I agree. My website is rather small — just over 6,000 HTML 
documents — but after my initial struggles with learning and understanding AMP, 
I am very pleased with the results. My site is a lot simpler now, without all 
of the overhead clutter that I used to implement, but it is a lot cleaner, 
crisp, sharp and refined, thus making it snappier and speedier as well, which 
is exactly what Google wants for mobile devices.

So between implementing AMP, SSL/TSL and HSTS Upload List over the past few 
weeks, my site has seen some major improvements. It required adopting some new 
HTML coding habits on my part, but it has been worth it, at least for me.

Kind regards,

Bill K.

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