Greg, I am glad you brought up that point regarding WordPresss, because this is 
something I have been wondering about since last night.

As you already know, AMP specifications outright prohibit certain standard HTML 
tags -- such as the font tag — and inline styling in HTML document bodies. 
Thus, you have to rely upon div classes instead, which are permitted.

My problem is this:

In my WP blog posts — it is a self-installed blog, not on -- I do 
a very high amount of copying and pasting from hundreds of documents which I 
create and maintain from within BBEdit. In said BBEdit documents, I employ the 
font color tag thousands of times to colorize verse references.

Now, on my actual website, it is very easy to replace those AMP-prohibited font 
tags with div classes instead — which I have done by the thousands via BBEdit’s 
multi-file find and replace option — because the actual CSS code which 
regulates those div classes is contained in the head of the very same HTML 
document, as per Google’s and AMP’s requirements.

But how do I transfer that over to my actual WP blog posts?

In other words, if I surround a verse reference with a div styling tag like 
this . . .

<div class=“blue font”>John 3:16</div>

. . . it is going to be lost in translation, because there are no CSS 
instructions telling WP what that div means.

Worse yet, I syndicate to eight social networks. Some of them respect and 
properly parse standard  HTML tags, such as the font color tag, for example. 
But I doubt that they know what to do with AMP tags and divs.

Facebook doesn’t even respect standard HTML tags. Even though it is the social 
network where I most heavily participate, it is the worst culprit when it comes 
to parsing my WP posts. It strips out font colors, and even line and paragraph 

If there is some way to import the exact same CSS head information into my WP 
blog posts, that is contained in my BBEdit HTML documents — that is, tell WP, 
“Here. Use this CSS style sheet for all of my posts.” -- that would be great. 
At least then I could use those same div classes -- which the AMP 
specifications accept as valid — instead of font tags in my WP blog posts, 
which will not pass the AMP validator’s muster.

While there are some WP plugins to make WP posts HTTPS/SSL compliant, I wonder 
if Automattic  and gang have done anything to automatically convert standard 
HTML tags over to AMP-compliant tags and divs before post syndication occurs.

Anyway, if you are aware of any easy solutions, please let me know. For now, I 
continue to use font color tags in my WP posts, which WP automatically converts 
to span styles instead. But I bet even those fail AMP standards.

Kind regards,

Bill K.

> On Feb 22, 2017, at 4:08 AM, Greg Raven <> wrote:
> What I mean is that if your pages are generated by WordPress (for example), 
> then it's marginally easier to insert all the special AMP coding. When the 
> pages are generated programmatically, then each page should be pretty much 
> the same for any given template, so you can sample-validate a few pages, and 
> know that the rest of the pages should validate as well. There is no way I am 
> going to go through the external validation process required for 
> manually-constructed AMP pages ... especially when one click within BBEdit 
> checks my entire site.

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