
Thanks! I wouldn’t have troubled you for basic Git low-down; I was just
curious about the specifics of how you’re using it here. But with your
clarification (plus some surfing), I see that what you’re suggesting is
pretty rice-and-beans (mamaliga and cheese?). The Lynda.com tutorial looks
great, thanks for the tip! FWIW Macupdate doesn’t love Tower
<https://www.macupdate.com/app/mac/36072/tower>, and seems to prefer
SourceTree (which is free, btw).

As for Keyboard Maestro, I’m still PTSD over the demise of Quickeys. But I
guess it’s time…

One loose end. I also use BBEdit as a quick temporary note pad (it’s poorly
suited to the task, but I sort of “live in” the app, so this sort of thing
happens). Not all such temps are immediately deletable, so I pile up dozens
or even hundreds of untitled docs (that don’t merit saving to hard drive).
What do you - and others - do about this? Save every last scrap into
EagleFiler, perhaps tagging “temp” for later clean up? Or…?



On September 25, 2018 at 11:37:41 AM, Vlad Ghitulescu (v...@ghitulescu.de)

Hey, Jim!

On 24 Sep 2018, at 23:24, jamesl...@gmail.com wrote:

Re: the Git repository scheme for versioning….I’m not a Git warrior. Can
you briefly explain (or point to a full explainer) of how it works in this

EagleFiler keeps everything in its libraries (that means you cannot leave
the files where they already are but you have to *import* them first in
On the other hand, EagleFiler don't compress the files, so they are -
within EagleFiler's libraries - reachable / readable / etc.

As I said before, I've created a local Git repository in the folder where
EagleFiler stores my TXT-files.

Now for Git: Git it's a distributed version control system.
Here is the Wikipedia article to Git <https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Git>
and here the Git-website <https://git-scm.com>. I've learned a lot from
this Lynda.com course about Git
and from this tutorials of Tower <https://www.git-tower.com/learn/>, a
popular Git-client on the Mac.

In a nutshell, Git is a better TimeMachine ;-) and allows me to store all
the versions of the TXT-files so that - in case of an error - I can go back
in time to the version where everything was still ok.

Guess II’ll also look for other organizing/notebooking apps offering “Open
in BBEdit” (I’d loyally do Yojimbo, but I need beaucoup mobile access, plus
Barebones doesn’t seem to be updating it very actively).

You know for sure that there are a couple KeyboardMaestro-macros that allow
to do your steps 1-5 (= „*Open in BBEdit*“ everywhere), right?


On September 24, 2018 at 2:56:31 PM, Vlad Ghitulescu (v...@ghitulescu.de)

I have discovered recently EagleFiler and I use it daily ever since

- for archived email messages;
- for scanned documents (= PDFs) and
- for TXT (and MD and TASKPAPER) documents

and it has a context-menu "Open in BBEdit"

that does just this.

In addition to this I have created a local Git-repository with the folder
where EagleFiler stores the TXT-files so the versioning is now as easy as


On 24 Sep 2018, at 2:27, Jim Leff wrote:

I prefer to edit all text in BBEdit, but it's obviously not a notebook app.
It would be great to store writings in a dedicated notebook app (e.g. Bear
or Agenda) and be able to edit them in BBEdit. It would feel sort of like
using BBEdit as a service. Has anyone figured out a clever workflow?

Sure, I realize I can:

1. Copy a doc's text from the notebook app
2. Create a new BBEdit doc
3. Paste in, proceed with editing
4. Delete the BBEdit doc, and
5. Paste back into the notebook app

...but that's awfully clunky.

Beyond the many keystrokes, I'm concerned about versioning confusion. I
might stall in the editing - i.e. not paste back into the notebook app -
and forget there's a newer version afloat in an untitled BBEdit doc. I
could failsafe this problem by cutting, rather than copying, out of the
notebook app (so there's only the latest version of the text), but this,
too, is clunky.

I'm supposing I can't create a seamless experience that's exactly what I
want, but any tips to smooth this out any would be appreciated.
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