Good afternoon,

We're currently working on a maintenance update to BBEdit 13.1 to address a few recently reported issues.

Note that this is a _pre-release_ version. The intent is to fix bugs and address areas of improvement based on what our customers have reported. However, since the software is at this point not fully tested, there _may_ be bugs and regressions.

If this prospect makes you nervous, then sticking with the public release versions is your best course of action. Nobody will be offended if you choose to do so; you're under no obligation to install and use anything but a public release. :-)

Complete change notes to date for all the pre-release builds in this cycle are available here:


The change notes are organized into additions, changes, and fixes, and are annotated where appropriate with case numbers. So if you recognize a number corresponding to a support case that was opened for you, you can now verify that it's been fixed correctly. Please take the time to review the changes before using the new build -- it'll be worth your time.

One final note: If you run into a bug in a pre-release version, PLEASE DO NOT REPORT THE BUG TO THE LIST. This includes asking about whether others have seen the same problem. Instead, please send a bug report to <> and we will deal with it there. This will help us keep the list discussion on topic and productive for all list members.

Here is the list of changes made since the previous public release:


version 13.1.2 (414043) (2020-06-10)

*   BBEdit 13.1.1 was released only into the Mac App Store to
    address a specific issue encountered by Mac App Store users with
    active subscriptions.


o   (none in this build)


o   (none in this build)


*   Fixed bug in which the YAML coloring would get confused by the
    use of "`&value`" or "`*value`".

*   Open File by Name will now search for files in nested Xcode
projects referenced by the currently active project (if there is

*   [353389, 319468, and others] Fixed crash which would sometimes
    occur when closing a document containing a character set
    declaration that didn't match its actual text encoding, *and*
    opting to save, *and* clicking the "Save Anyway" button, *and*
    with the "Restore unsaved changes" application preference turned

*   [391840] Fixed bug in which the "`#TITLE#`" placeholder didn't
    get replaced with the title entered from the "New Document"
    dialog, when using a page template other than "Default Page".

*   [391716] Fixed bug in Unix shell script coloring in which "`<<`"
    followed by a number would be treated as the start of a heredoc
    (which was not likely to ever end).

* [390382] Made a change to the Markdown syntax coloring so that a
    line break in the middle of an "inline code" run (i.e. "`...`")
    no longer causes confusion.

*   [392144] Fixed bug in the Unix Shell Script language module, in
    which backslashed characters were not correctly handled within
    parenthesis expressions. This would lead to unexpected syntax
    coloring and (occasionally) function scanning/folding behavior.

*   Made a change to improve performance for certain display
    calculations involving large quantities of display ranges (such
    as highlighted matches) and/or complicated documents.

*   [392208] Fixed bug in which indented heredoc delimiters in the
    Unix shell script module weren't handled correctly.

*   [392056] Made a change so that Shift-Tab will left-shift the
    line containing the insertion point (or sub-line selection range)
    when the "Allow Tab key to indent text blocks" preference is
    turned on.

*   Increased the default sidebar width slightly.

*   [390969] Corrected reporting of errors related to missing
Canonize data files (and other related errors) while running a
    "Canonize" operation in a text factory.

*   [392235] Removed file references from the built-in Python tags
    file, since there's no guarantee that they'll be valid on any
given system. Therefore, those symbols will still be colored, but
    are not included in "Find Definition" results.

*   [392395] Fixed bug in which the `bbfind` tool would not output
    its search results.

*   [392427] Fixed a bug in which the range of tick mark highlights
    in the vertical scrollbar was not laid out correctly over the
    entire height of the scrollbar.

*   [387926, 392350, 392411] Fixed bug in which live-match
    highlighting via the Find window would sometimes draw in the
    wrong place, when the window being searched had _either_
    soft-wrapped lines _or_ folded lines, _and_ a selection range.

*   [392588] Fixed bug in which Esc-backspace didn't function
    correctly to delete a word.

*   [392588] Fixed bug in which Esc-< and Esc-> would select the
    range of text from the current selection to beginning/end of
    file, rather than moving the insertion point there.

*   [392487] Made a change so that the selection range remains
    visible when it overlaps a difference range on display in a
    Differences window.

*   [392711] Fixed bug in which certain template string forms would
    break folding in JavaScript files.

*   The JavaScript language module will now generate folds for
    strings that cross line boundaries.

*   Fixed a bug which prevented certain startup-time notifications
    (such as "The Shift key was held down") from appearing.

*   [392792] Fixed bug in which selector completion in CSS documents
    did not include many selectors that should have been present.

*   Updated the JavaScript function scanner to support "modern" callouts:

    /* MARK this is a named marker */
    /* FIXME this needs to be fixed */
    /* FIX-ME is treated like FIXME */
    /* NOTE is a note for the reader */
/* NYI stands for "not yet implemented" and is treated as a to-do */
    /* REVIEW means someone needs to look at this */
    /* TODO when I get around to it */
    /* XXX is another form of NOTE */
    /* ??? I have a question here */
    /* !!! I smell a wumpus */

Callouts are case-sensitive and must be all upper case in order to
    be detected.


The package can be downloaded from our web server:




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technical support, please email "" rather than posting here. 
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