Hello everyone,

In my daily workflow, I always have about four dozen windows open in the 
"Windows" palette on the far right side of my screen using the Window -> 
Palettes -> Windows option in the BBEdit menubar.

However, one rather annoying thing that happens is that sometimes when my 
computer is forced to reboot itself for whatever the reason, after it reboots, 
and BBEdit automatically relaunches itself -- being as it was open before the 
forced machine reboot occurred -- most of the windows I had open in the 
"Windows" palette are gone.

That means that I need to find all of those four dozen or so documents on my 
hard drive and manually reopen them again. It doesn't take too long to do this, 
being as I have done this enough times to remember which documents were open, 
and where they are located, but it would be nice if there was an easier way to 
reopen all of these windows in one shot.

Please note that when my iMac is forced to reboot itself, when BBEdit does 
relaunch, it does ask me if I want to reopen the docs that were previously 
open. However, as I said, if I say "yes", only a few of the four dozen windows 
are listed in the "Windows" palette.

So, I thought to myself, "Surely there must be a ".savedState" file or 
something somewhere in BBEdit's support files which maintains a list of all 
open windows." I looked in ~Library/Saved Application State, as well as in 
other places, but I was unable to locate a support file where this list of open 
windows in the "Windows" palette might be found.

My intent here to simply make a backup of this particular file and keep it on 
my desktop. That way, whenever I lose all of the open windows -- which are 
always the same set of 48 or so windows -- I can just drop a copy of this file 
into wherever it belongs in BBEdit's support file hierarchy.

So my question is, where is this file located, and what is it called?

I hope the above was easy enough to understand.

Thanks in advance to anyone who may choose to respond.

Kind regards

Bill Kochman, Administrator
Bill’s Bible Basics / Christian Social Network

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