Someone might have something better, but I think you could use the up to a colon match, and replace with <strong>\1</strong>. This might double strong your numbers.  Then search for <strong><strong>(.*?)</strong></strong> and replace with <strong>\1</strong> to get rid of the duplicate holding.  It’s a two step processes.

-Jim Straus

On May 14, 2023, at 5:05 PM, 'Andy Nickless' via BBEdit Talk <> wrote:

No Kaveh - Unfortunately Fletcher's reply doesn't help.
I'll try to clarify.

In this case, I want to make bold parts of some lines of text which begin with <p> up to where the bold part will end at a colon (:) Any text after the colon won't be bold.

<p>All this text will be bold, as until the first colon: The text after the colon will be normal.</p>

<p><strong>123</strong>Any lines which begin as this one does, will not be changed.</p>
(The number being any combination of 1-3 digits).

I hope that's more clear. Apologies for the lack of clarity.

On Sunday, 14 May 2023 at 20:11:38 UTC+1 Kaveh Bazargan wrote:
Sorry, still not clear for me. Does Fletcher's answer work?

Are you saying there are specific numbers you do not want to match, say
but ones that you do want to match, say

Otherwise can you explain further?

On Sun, 14 May 2023 at 18:09, 'Andy Nickless' via BBEdit Talk <> wrote:
Yes, of course, Kaveh - thanks for your speedy reply - again!
I got this the other day (you helped with it) to find a line of text (or text and numbers) which end with a colon and a space -
It's brilliant, but there are occasions when I want to avoid a pattern such as <strong>123</strong>. The number varies, (from 1 to 999) and there may be other numbers, but I want to include those. In other words, avoid lines with numbers within the <strong></strong> tags.

At other times, I want to avoid a certain word (or html).
I hope that makes sense!

On Sunday, 14 May 2023 at 17:57:20 UTC+1 Kaveh Bazargan wrote:
can you give examples of strings you want to match and strings you don't want to match?

On Sun, 14 May 2023 at 17:29, 'Andy Nickless' via BBEdit Talk <> wrote:
Something that I've been unable to find out is how to skip searching something which already contains a simple pattern:
For instance, to find a number consisting 1-3 digits I use (\d{1,3}) - but how can I AVOID a number of up to 3 digits?
Thanks in advance -

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Kaveh Bazargan PhD
Accelerating the Communication of Research

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