Hi, Bruce, thanks for your suggestions.

Affinity Publisher is really cool, but it's not the best for editing text. 
BBEdit excels at editing text.

I think I see how to do this.

The challenge is to edit with visible paragraph breaks that reflow with 
text window changes. After pasting into Affinity, a paragraph needs to end 
with a newline. Individual lines do not.

So here's a setup I'm going to play with.

In BBEdit's Edit->Text options, soft wrap text to window width.

End paragraphs with (shudder) two carriage returns.

Save the file.

Replace all \n\n with \n. Copy and paste into text frames in Affinity. 
Affinity is happy.

In BBEdit, use File->Revert to get paragraph breaks back.

The extra steps are save, replace all, and revert in that order.

I think I can live with that if my overworked right pinky can live with all 
the extra returns. :-)

I need to take another look at BBEdit's notebook feature. That might be a 
nice way of writing copy for an Affinity brochure, keeping all the text in 
one nice bundle.

Ooh, just realized - I have Keyboard Maestro installed. I might either make 
the return key get doubled, or make shift-enter two return keys.

Have a great day!

On Monday, May 29, 2023 at 10:38:40 AM UTC-5 Bruce Van Allen wrote:

> >> if newlines were paragraph separators.
> It’s easy to find each “\n” and replace it with with “\n\n", to provide 
> space between lines, but I have a feeling that’s not what you’re thinking 
> of.
> Keep in mind that BBEdit is a text editor, not a word processor or page 
> layout app. In text, “\n” stands for a newline; but it doesn’t carry any of 
> the paragraph formatting that a word processor might provide via “space 
> before” or “space after” in its paragraph formatting controls.
> When I import text into an app like Affinity Publisher, Adobe InDesign, 
> etc, I rely on those apps to provide the paragraph formatting.
> Now, another newline issue can be that paragraphs themselves are 
> “hard-wrapped”, meaning that “\n" is used WITHIN paragraphs to make the 
> lines wrap. In those cases, my goal is usually to remove the “\n”s except 
> where I really want to end the line. That’s another easy find/replace op. 
> BBEdit provides controls to flip “soft wrapping" on/off, so I can see a 
> whole long line wrapped to a viewable width if necessary, but without 
> inserting newlines to make it wrap.
> But really, I’m guessing here what you both want. Examples?
> — Bruce
> _bruce__van_allen__santa_cruz_ca_
> > On May 29, 2023, at 7:42 AM, Johnny Ragadoo <johnny...@gmail.com> wrote:
> > I'd like to learn how to do this, too. BBEdit would be a fantastic 
> companion editor for desktop publishing apps like Affinity Publisher if 
> newlines were paragraph separators.
> > On Saturday, May 27, 2023 at 6:40:55 AM UTC-5 Kim Mosley wrote:
> > How do I add a space between paragraphs? It seems every line is showing 
> \n?

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