On 11/14/2009 12:32 AM, Zico wrote:
> On Fri, Nov 13, 2009 at 11:53 PM, Emon <e...@lavabit.com
> <mailto:emon%40lavabit.com>> wrote:
>> Salam again, Imtiaz vhai.....
>> So nice the to hear from you.
>> I wish I could thank you enough.. but don't think I can ;-)
>> So I will just say this.... Really looking forward to you next mail on
>> this subject.
> No Offense Ashfaq bhai... just one question. Why do you need OpenSuse 11.2?
> I mean, is there any special items there? Just wanna know. :)
> -- 
> Best,
> Zico

Salam Zico vhai..

Thanks for your question ;-)

I am about to go on a ramble right now; cos I have some free time at
hand :-P
So if you have other important things... please don't bother to waste
your time with the junk that I am about to write :-D

So here I go...

If you want to know how I started hopping from one distro to another,
then you can read the following post which I wrote a couple of years back.


Only one detail has changed since that post.

I have a so called broadband (7.0 kbps only) connection now.

But I am OK with it; cos at least now I can "rsync" the update directory
for my distro form servers on the net & download all the updates to my
PC!! & then apply the updates later at a leisurely pace when I have
enough time and there is less chance of LOAD-SHEDDING!!
Sure, it takes a while to download all that stuff (5-6 hours), but I can
live with that.

About your question, as to whether there is anything especial about
openSUSE.... I don't think so.... it's just another open source distro
with open source software. Any pkg that runs on this distro can be made
to run on any other distro in the world, as far as I know.

But what do I know... I am just a desktop user.

I don't run/maintain any kind of server or anything!!
So from the desktop point of view I can tell you only this much; there
is a program called YaST (Yet another Setup Tool) which can be used to
maintain (almost) all the configurations. I hate to say this, but it is
pretty similar to the concept of "Control Panel" in M$ world, & that's
the reason I like it. It makes you access all the configurations via a
centralized interface. It's not 100% perfect, cos there are still many
things for which you have to dive into configuration files or scripts
manually; but at least it's a step in the right direction... as far as I
can tell.

All that I ever wanted from a distro, were the following

1) A lively User community... so that help/pkgs are easier to find (yes,
I know Ubuntu has probably the largest community, but openSUSE community
isn't bad either).

2) pkgs (as much as possible) should not be bleeding edge, preferably a
couple of steps behind in term of release/bild (NOT version), it kind of
ensures stability (according to me), but again Ubuntu is the exception
here (they ship distros with bleeding edge software & they seem to run

3) What I am about say may piss off a lot of people... but I am going to
come forward & admit it, I am a KDE fanboy.... so I prefer if my distro
has KDE lineage. At this very point I would request everyone to please
remain calm, & understand that liking 'KDE' is NOT EQUAL to disliking
'GNOME'. It's just that different people like different things, nothing
more nothing less, just like 'choice'.

I guess that's enough rambling for one day.....

So I would like to end on a slightly nostalgic & romantic note :-)

In my youth, I did my fair share of distro hopping,
I also did my fair share of religious war based on distros,
But as the raging temperature of my blood dropped with my age,
I have found my peace in openSUSE, and in that process have made my
peace with other distros/desktop environments.

I wish the same for all of the FOSS people out there

Salam again

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