On Mon, Nov 16, 2009 at 1:58 AM, Emon <e...@lavabit.com> wrote:

> Salam Zico vhai..
> Thanks for your question ;-)
> I am about to go on a ramble right now; cos I have some free time at
> hand :-P
> So if you have other important things... please don't bother to waste
> your time with the junk that I am about to write :-D
> So here I go...
> If you want to know how I started hopping from one distro to another,
> then you can read the following post which I wrote a couple of years back.
> http://groups.yahoo.com/group/bdlug/message/16707
> Only one detail has changed since that post.
> I have a so called broadband (7.0 kbps only) connection now.
> But I am OK with it; cos at least now I can "rsync" the update directory
> for my distro form servers on the net & download all the updates to my
> PC!! & then apply the updates later at a leisurely pace when I have
> enough time and there is less chance of LOAD-SHEDDING!!
> Sure, it takes a while to download all that stuff (5-6 hours), but I can
> live with that.
[ ... ]

My man... linux distros made for you!!! :D  Keep it high!


[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

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