> >>
> Could I entice you out of your daze, by asking for some info.  I am
> beginning to study bio-dynamics and eventually certify my 5 acres.  My
> concern is that I have a composting toilet, and am unsure of the compost
> bio-dynamics.  anyone point me in the right direction.  Not sure how this
> link works, not very computer minded.
> Thanks
> Liz

Doubtless you should and will check with your certifying agency (s) for
this, but the basic rule is, no putting this compost into the areas you will
be growing certified crops, I believe.

Steiner talked about human wastes as being depleted of cosmic forces and a
two year cycle before these were replenished.

The organic movement at large talks about contaminants in human waste
streams, and also somewhat about the problem of pathogens.

The composting community obsesses about pathogens, now with, and now without
a valid scientific basis....as the Universe would have it, I have just been
in one of these spats with USCC bigjaw Jim McNelly. You people in Oz are
ahead of us here, using worm systems to process biosolids, which Jim is
resisting with unusually irrational animus....

A new book out there which shows modern science converging on BD positions
about pathogens is Parasite Rex by Carl Zimmer


According to Zimmer, parasites are increasingly being seen by scientists as
indicators of environmental health, and he cites cases of parasites actually
being introduced to sufferers of Krohn's disease, resulting in complete
remissions in several patients.

Nonetheless, we like to be squeaky clean about this sort of thing, so I
suggest you find out what your certifier wants you to do with your compost
toilet production and follow it to the letter. Whether cosmic force
depletion, helminthic, bacterial, viral or other microbial pathogens, or
just the good old Deuteronomy 23:13 rules, this stuff has to be taken care
of properly.

Maintain the purity of thy camp!

Frank Teuton---has dealt with this sort of crap before.....

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