Those interested in finding out more about William Tiller can check out his
web site at See in particular his article "Subtle Energies"
which includes a summary of some experiments, and concludes with the

"At least seven unique and important conclusions can be drawn from these six

  1.Directed human intention can have robust effects in physical reality.
  2.The magnitude of the intention-generated physical effects increases with
continued inner
    self-management practice and thus growing coherence of the human source.
  3.Directed intention must be considered as a thermodynamic potential and a
    experimental variable in any future paradigm concerning natural law.
  4.Energies function in the universe that defy the present physical domain
perspective and
    can be directed by sufficiently developed people.
  5.Simple electronic systems can serve as a long-lasting host for these
special energies and
    intentions. Such devices can broadcast their prime directive, which in
turn appears to
    act as a controlling element in the physical processes needed to fulfill
the prime
  6.Structure appears to exist in nature beyond the current view of
space-time, and developed
    people have the capacity to access valuable information from such
nonspatially and
    nontemporally limited channels.
  7.The structure of space-time appears to adapt to continued use of
    electronic devices and to develop coherence-like properties.

These conclusions, I expect, will significantly impact any efforts to model
the structure of
the universe in a way that will allow these psychoenergetic phenomena to
comfortably coexist
with currently accepted phenomena in a more useful "world view."

>From these studies and many more like them, it can be seen that belief fuels
and expectations in turn marshal intention at both unconscious and often
conscious levels to
fulfill the expectations. The six experiments described here tend to both
validate that perspective and also illuminate some of the factors involved.

-----Original Message-----
Date: Friday, December 14, 2001 10:26 PM
Subject: Re: Whitebutterfly/Potency Questions?

>In a message dated 12/14/01 3:22:00 PM, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
><< Several people have told me I should read William Tiller, a physisist
>Stanford, U. in this regard. But his book was sold out at ACRES. I'll catch
>up onthis later. It looks like this is an overlooked dichotomy that has
>kept a lot of folks wallowing in the swamps of half-reason. >>
>Lovel, you haven't read Tiller yet????????????????  You are pissing me off.
>I give you one assignment and its too much.  Really, you must read it this
>winter, if you can't get a copy I'll lend you mine.  It would be really
>for you and all of us[a] if you would read this.  SStorch

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