Title: Re: Search for the New Isis, the Divine Sophia: The Quest for the Isis-Sophia
Bless you & Thank You!
For your post(ings).

Every year there are different part of this lecture that are spot lighted in my mind.

This year one of these illuminas is

<The modern age has had the
tendency to lose this power of Isis, this power of Mary. It has been killed
by all that arose with the modern consciousness of humankind. And the
confessions have in part exterminated just this view of Mary.

This is the mystery of modern humanity: Fundamentally speaking, Mary-Isis
has been killed, and she must be sought, just as Osiris was sought by Isis
in Asia. But she must be sought in the infinite spaces of the universe with
the power that Christ can awaken in us, if we devote ourselves to him in the
right way.

Let us picture this rightly, let us immerse ourselves in this new Isis
legend which must be experienced, and let us fill our souls with it. Then we
will experience in a true sense what humankind in many of its
representatives believes, that this new legend fills the holy eve of
Christmas, in order to bring us into Christmas day, the day of Christ. This
anthroposophical community could become a community of human beings united
in love because they feel the need, common to them all, to search. Let us
become conscious of this most intimate task! Let us go in spirit to the
manger and bring to the Child our sacrifice and our gift, which lie in the
knowledge that something altogether new must fill our souls, in order that
we may fulfill the tasks which can lead humankind out of barbarism into a
truly new civilization.>

Part of it's lighting this year is that of Venus. She moved through the Solstice window yesterday as a hidden companion of Sol themselves.
As such from our Earthly point of View she has descended into Hades & conferred with Pluto directly a few weeks ago. She is also traveling closely with the shape shifter / messenger Mercury.

Today she meets & confers with Chrion (the Wounded Healer) in the Star Gate of the Galactic Center.

In another thought on the lecture, is a look at duality of Male/Female tied to Ancient Egypt possibly predating the Luciferian take over of the culture, the Feminine face of the Mono Dea was Hathor. She in one of her many guises, that as the Cattle Goddess carried the Solar disk through the sky between her horns everyday. I conjecture that her Son "I",  walked-in to Moses on Mount Horeb. This was expressed as the Rays "the Horns Of Hathor" with which Moses was arrayed with when he descended to the tribes who were caught up in the externalizing of the sacred to the golden calf of Lucifer.

These are truly great times & We are accessing the great mysteries in an ever more easeful manner.  I hear & see the spirit more clear embraced in it's Tao more clearly everyday. Hope you all do to!

Blessed Solstice to you all
In Love & Light

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