Thank you for your responses.  I have tried a few things which have not worked:
1. fragrant soap  - does not seem to have any effect.  I am the one repelled by the odors.
2. netting around the small trees - offers some protection, but impractical for many trees or larger ones.
3. posts and wires for an electric fence around a vegetable patch were ripped away. Did you know that deer love carrot tops, broccoli and kale? An 8 ft high electrified high tensile wire would be an absolute last resort because of cost (the orchard and garden is large and irregular) and maintenance.
4. coyote urine in containers tied to branches did not work.
5. motion activated sprinklers - deer got used to them. 
(Thomas, trees that were treated with mycorrhiza were not spared, but I can try again.  I plan to start using BD preps next year.)
I have not tried hanging human hair nor sprayed rotten egg or commercial preps, which require frequent re-applications.  For personal reasons, dogs are not an option.
I understand that peppering works for mice and other pests.  Should the same method not work for deer?  I have gotten this far with the charred hide (to the amusement of everyone who has heard about it).  On with the experiment....
Virginia Salares

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