>From: Alan/New Realities TV <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>Subject: FW: Scientific Proof Of Global Consciousness
>Date: Thu, 03 Jan 2002 11:44:58 -0500
>Scientific Proof Of Global Consciousness May Be Emerging
>September 11 Attacks Registered Strongly
>By Bernadette Cahill
>Science may be on the verge of proving what the spiritual community has
>claimed all along about prayer and meditation: that group consciousness
>exists and it can show up on a worldwide scale.
>The events in the US on September 11 provided the latest indications of
>possibility, when devices around the world registered significant anomalies
>before, during and for some time after the attacks.
>As yet, scientists are not exactly sure what their results mean, but they
>admit that something significant has occurred ­ and it has done so in
>similar circumstances before.
>The 38 devices ­ called ³eggs² < are located around the world. These eggs
>generate random data continuously and send it for archiving and analysis to
>a special central location at Princeton University. Theyıre known as Random
>Number Generators (RNG). To use an analogy familiar to most people through
>trips to the doctor, the network is like an EEG for the planet.
>The RNGs are the brainchild of scientists at Princeton University, who have
>been operating since the late 1990s ongoing research called the Global
>Consciousness Project (GCP).
>³The underlying motivation for this work², reports the GCPıs web site at
>www.noosphere.princeton.edu/ , ³is to discover whether there is evidence
>an anomalous interaction driving the eggs to non-random behavior. In a
>metaphoric sense, we are looking for evidence of a developing global
>consciousness that might perceive and react to events with deep meaning.²
>On September 11, ³The whole world reeled in disbelief and horror as the
>of the terrorist attack and the unspeakable tragedy unfolded. The egg
>network registered an unmistakable and profound response.²
>That morning, data that normally flows randomly suddenly began to register
>distinct concentrations in pattern, like a peak on a graph. Extreme
>deviations began ³before the first World Trade Center tower was hit and
>continu(ed) for nearly three days, to the end of (Septemebr) 13th. The
>anomalous trend began at about 4 a.m. EST on September 11.
>Scientists at the GCP are unready to commit to what this means exactly. ³We
>cannot explain the presence of stark patterns in data that should be
>random,² they report, but they also state, ³the results of our analyses are
>unequivocalS..There is an important and uniquely powerful message here.
>we ask why the disaster in New York, Washington and Pennsylvania should
>appear to be responsible for a strong signal in our world-wide network of
>instruments designed to generate random noise, there is no obvious answer.
>When we look carefully and discover that the eggıs might reflect our shock
>and dismay even before our minds and hearts express it, we confront a still
>deeper mysteryS.We do not know if there is such a thing as a global
>consciousness, but if there is, it was moved by the events of September 11,
>2001. We do not know how, but it appears that the coherence and intensity
>our common reaction created a sustained pulse of order in the random flow
>numbers from our instruments. These patterns where there should be none
>like reflections of our concentrated focus, as the riveting events drew us
>from our individual concerns and melded us into an extraordinary coherence.
>Maybe we became, briefly a global consciousness.²
>The RNGıs have shown deviations from the norm on at least one major world
>event before ­ the death of Princess Diana. They also registered some
>deviations from random patterns during a global meditation organized by the
>Gaiamind Project, designed for the five minutes between 17:30 and 17:35
>Greenwich Mean Time on January 23, 1997 to coincide with an unusual
>astronomical conjunction.
>However, the RNGs registered no anomalies during the funeral of Mother
>Teresa, which came shortly after Princess Dianaıs. The RNGs also registered
>no anomalies during an attempt to replicate the January 23, 1997 Global
>Meditation. It seems that the events that register significant deviations
>from random ³share a common feature, namely, that they engage our attention
>and draw us in large numbers into a common focus.²
>Professor Mike Perry, Ph.D, a mathematician and statistician in the Math
>Department of ASU works a lot with random numbers. He said that, while he
>doesnıt know anything about the Global Consciousness Group, the fact itıs
>from Princeton gives it a ³basis for legitimacy,² and the results ³are kind
>of interesting.²
>³Some people might think this is just nonsense,² he said, ³but Iım not
>skeptical of anything until it is proved or disproved. Itıs the first time
>Iıve seen anything like this. There are lots of different kinds of
>explanations for things, but the actual explanation of this is beyond the
>realm of mathematics and statistics.² He suggested it might belong more to
>the realm of philosophers.
>Could the effect that appeared on the RNGs during the attack be similar to
>the effect that occurs when people pray together? Fr. Rick Lawler, Parish
>Priest of St. Mary of the Hills Episcopal Church in Blowing Rock said, ³I
>feel that when we are involved in prayer we are opening to the sacred, to
>what the Christian community calls God and to each other in ways that may
>have been closed off or frozen to each other. The more people who pray
>together, the greater the impact.
>³I canıt say anything about the experiment or the numbers, but I would like
>to believe that (the effect of prayer) could be measured.²
>If whatıs being measured does indeed prove the existence of group
>consciousness, such a result could be of major significance. If more
>generally known and accepted, groups worldwide could begin consciously and
>deliberately to choose to focus their thoughts, emotions and energies
>towards the achievement of a single intention worldwide.
>Henry Reed, Ph.D., Senior Fellow at the Edgar Cayce Institute for Intuitive
>Studies, who also teaches at Ancient Wisdom in Boone, said, ³This study is
>adding to a growing body of evidence that a group of people, setting their
>intent and working in consciousness alone, can have an impact world wide.
>İ2001 The Mountain Times. All rights reserved.
>130 North Depot St / PO Box 1815 ? Boone, North Carolina  28607
>Telephone 828.264.6397 ? Fax 828.264.8536

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