My experience is that foxes are especially numerous this year, as are 
weasels.  Probably to highlight the burgeoning political atrocities, 
similar in energy.

At 08:48 AM 1/9/02 -0300, you wrote:
>Allan Balliett wrote:
> >
>  (American wire fence going up around the
> > garden before this coming growing season)
>Let me tell you, if they are as smart there as they are here,
>they will find a way to dig a tunnel under your American wire
>- fernando
>REDUZIR, REUSAR, RECICLAR -- Dever de todos, amor aos que virão
>REDUCE, REUSE, RECYCLE -- Everybody's duty, love to those who are
>to come
>Fernando Cabral                        Padrao iX Sistemas Abertos
>mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]   
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>PABX: +55 61 329-0202                  Fax: +55 61 326-3082
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>19º 37' 57.0" S (23 K 0469898/7829161) 45º 17' 13.6" W

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