>And Bush should not have been elected.  He used the power of the white
>male elite, as embodied by the Supreme Court, to steal the election.

Whenever we promote race as an issue we are playing right into the 
hands of the elite.  Race is used to divide us and to keep our eyes 
off from the real problems. Haven't you found your Commie and 
Socialist friends to be working for the welfare of all beings, not 
just their own race? Besides, there must be a better way to describe 
a body that includes that Coke-sucker Clarence Thomas and at least 
two women, I mean, there's something in all of this for them, too, 
isn't there? Equal opportunity exploitation, no?

It looks like this Poppa Bush sculpted crew may soon have a chance to 
shine again for Texas  if Cheney's refusal to cooperate with Congress 
falls into their lap.


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