Michael said, (snip)"Please note that Bush's daughters have gotten in
trouble with the law and now his neice.  Hardly made the news, but, if
Clinton's daughter...".

Actually Michael, her drunken f'ed up photo has been appearing on the news
aplenty. I certainly wouldn't bother to defend any of those children.
Sympathy perhaps...

As Allan said, there is no choice in this country. Too many amnesiacs
walking around.

Hope you all had an inspirational quickening yesterday. Here the light was
splendid, we finally had some cold weather (short supply this winter) here
outside of NYC. However we are in a severe drought, having received little
rain all year and last, and no snow basically. My plants are so confused in
the yard: irises popping up, rose leaf buds, golden willow branch tips. All
way ahead of schedule.

The earth needs our prayers, as for the children of these politicians, well,
we all have our karma to deal with.


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