
Some of the fractality they
> have observed is
> exactly in the BD chromatograms. This is a heavy
> duty physics study
> than an Ag scientist will never dream of and does
> not have the tools
> to even understand so we might see some very
> interesting things
> happening in the years to come.

Yeah, the big problem now for quantum Ag is that the
scientific rationale for it comes form quantum physics
and complex mathmematics, things which are really
diametrically opposed to the methods used by Ag
scientists to define their systems.  So even if you
proved BD or other such methods with subtle energy
physics, you would never get the study past the
standing old guard.  There is a saying in scinece,
from the great Physicist Pauli (I believe), that
"Science advances one funeral at a time."

Patiently waiting,
Chris Sahde 

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