>From Greg Willis -

>Date: Tue, 05 Feb 2002 03:30:10 -0800
>From: Greg Willis <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>X-Accept-Language: en
>To: Allan Balliett <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>CC: Hugh Lovel <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, Lorraine Cahill <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>Subject: Re: Phylloxera and biodynamic wines (was: Grape Cuttings)
>Dear Allan,
>Please forward to BDNOW.  Thank you.
>Please inform Messers Robertson, Heinricks and Wright that Steiner
>mentions a cure for Phylloxera a couple of times in his ag. lectures.
>In 1995, I put together a Steiner/Albrecht/Burbank/Willis based protocol
>which I then tried on two Phylloxerated vineyards in 1996 and 1997.  We
>saved on average over 80% of the vines in each vineyard, a fact that can
>be attested by Messers Michael Topolos and Ralph Riva ( an infrequent
>contributor to Acres U.S.A.).  That was for the first year only.
>Although I was not able to return personally to Ralph Riva's vineyard,
>which was sold for housing, I was able to return to Mr. Topolos'
>vineyard for 4 more years of treatment.  I am happy to say that there is
>no more Phylloxera in the treated part of this vineyard.
>Since that time, I have developed even more powerful remedies which
>speed up recovery considerably.  This year, I am using my newer methods
>on several vineyards that have a multitude of disease and insect
>problems including bacterial and viral infections.  What once took 3 or
>4 years to correct, I now see we can accomplish in only one year with
>respect to disease and insects.  Improving the tilth, friability and
>humus content of the soil is another matter which takes some time to do
>but with copious amounts of compost, of the right kind, and with cover
>crops, of the right kind, we now have the capability of accomplishing
>tremendous soil improvements in much shorter times as well.  Believe me,
>I'm only touching this topic.  At Agri-Synthesis®, we can now do things
>with plants and land, and people too, that no one dreamed was possible.
>I have developed a homeopathic spray of seven Steiner compost remedies
>that can be applied to the OUTSIDE of a compost pile at a 90% reduction
>in labor time.
>Everyone wants to know how we do these miracles.  Well, I'm sorry, I
>can't tell you how.  It's proprietary.  This is information that we've
>spent hundreds of thousands of dollars gathering and 9 years developing
>in the field.  I will say this, though.  Steiner was a genius, he was
>right and he was prescient.  If you want to make his genius work for
>you, you must use ALL of his remedies.  In most cases, they have to be
>applied once each season - summer, fall, winter and spring.  Failure to
>do so guarantees failure at some level.  And you must use horn clay or
>you will never achieve what is possible.
>Look.  Let's be clear about one thing.  Steiner's "potions" as one
>viticultural genius called them, are not "preparations".  They "prepare"
>nothing.  Anyone who thinks so simply doesn't understand Steiner or his
>intentions.  They're "remedies".  They fix things.
>Some of you over the age of 50 may recall that in the old days of
>pharmacy, prescriptions were called "recipes" or "preparations" made by
>the pharmacist.  The term "preparations" was applied to Steiner's
>remedies in the days when that was a common description of what a
>pharmacist prepared.  You know, I've ranted for years at the stupidity
>and ignorance prevalent in biodynamics and my mind hasn't changed one
>bit.  I would like to see those who profess that they are "biodynamics
>practitioners" to at least drag themselves into the 21st century and
>ditch the word "preparations" or "preps" for nomenclature that is more
>modern, more definitive and more accurate.  "Remedies" is certainly
>easier to use and more understandable by the illiterati who think that
>Steiner was a bozo dealing in witchcraft.  Of course, the term
>"illiterati" applies to the self-appointed "leaders" of biodynamics too
>inasmuch as they also refuse to use the proper terminology.  And I mean
>PROPER terminology.  You want to live in the 19th century.  Be my
>guest.  I don't and I certainly see no purpose in wallowing in the past.
>Anyway, I have no trouble recommending planting Vitis vinifera vines on
>their own rootstocks if they use our system of viticultural design and
>management, which is far superior to others and which is, I have been
>informed by a leading self-proclaimed Anthroposophic genius, "Steiner
>inspired" but not "biodynamic®".  Thank God.  If I was forced to use
>what he calls "biodynamic®" farming I'd be stuck in the Stone Age.  With
>him!  Arrrgh!
>What is acutely interesting to me is that each year we experiment with
>new ways of using Steiner's remedies, and my remedies together with
>Steiner's, and we see quantum leaps in both our understanding of the
>processes and potentials of these remedies.  I have two observations
>that I will make.  First, the potential of Steiner's remedies is limited
>only by one's imagination.  Second, at the rate we're going, in a few
>years, I expect to make Steiner remedies 100 times more powerful than
>what we make now - which have been tested as more potent and full of
>life than JPI's already!
>(Wouldn't be cool to have a run-off between JPI and Agri-Synthesis® to
>see who makes the best remedies?  I'll bet they'll run and hide just
>like they did the last time I proposed this.  Of course I say this
>knowing full well that McStupid will read this and he will try to send
>me more harassing, pot induced, psychotic email.  Oh well.  That's a
>risk we all take any time we speak the truth.  The most dangerous thing
>I've ever done is tell the truth.  People don't like to hear the truth.
>As Spock would say, "fascinating."  Moronic, but fascinating.)
>In the future, you will see uses for our Steiner/Willis remedies expand
>into all areas of agriculture, viticulture, forestry, greenhouse and
>hydroponic farming and food production, processing and preparation.  You
>will see extensive uses come about in medicine.  For example, two uses
>we've identified as highly receptive to these remedies, prepared the
>right way, are skin healing, for such things as burns, and in nerve
>regeneration.  We will see, in the coming years the use of these
>remedies to replace genetic manipulation (GMO's) as a way to protect
>crops, increase yields and increase quality.  We will see biochemistry
>turned on its head.  Biochemists and physicists will be faced with
>explaining how a homeopathic remedy of herbs and minerals can instantly
>lower phenolic compounds in food and wine.  The test results are
>undeniable.  The explanation as to exactly how this takes place will
>thrill some quantum physicists, infuriate others as they see their
>beliefs thrown into chaos.  Change is difficult.
>We have unassailable proof.  No matter what the experts and geniuses
>say, Steiner's remedies and homeopathy work.  Anyone can do it.  That's
>a problem for some, a boon for others.
>At this very moment, we sell a homeopathic remedy that instantly
>improves the flavors and aromas of all natural food and wine after
>adding as little as ONE DROP of this incredible product to a plate of
>food or a glass of wine.  We have another product coming out in a couple
>of weeks that's even more incredible.  We estimate that for that
>product, our share of the market will be in excess of $300,000,000.
>That's a far cry from camping out at some biodynamic conference like I
>used to do.
>You see, Allan, in the past we were all led to believe that Steiner
>agriculture could only do a few things.  Nobody understood it.  As
>Andrew Lorand once said to me, "Biodynamics is only for the BD
>priesthood."  That's complete nonsense.  It just shows you how limited
>their imaginations are.
>Folks, what I do ain't "biodynamics".  It's as far away from
>"biodynamics" as a horse and buggy is from the space shuttle.  And I've
>just scratched the surface.  I think Agri-Synthesis® is a far more
>accurate expression of Steiner agriculture.
>You see, the bozos who appointed themselves to lead the "biodynamic"
>movement never took their heads out of their asses long enough to see
>the potential of Steiner's remedies.  I like to think I have.
>Maybe some others will too.
>"The Feared" Greg Willis
>P.S. "The only thing we have to fear, is someone calling what we do

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