>>Dear Allan,
>>Please forward to BDNOW.  Thank you.
>>Please inform Messers Robertson, Heinricks and Wright that Steiner
>>mentions a cure for Phylloxera a couple of times in his ag. lectures.
>>"The Feared" Greg Willis
>>P.S. "The only thing we have to fear, is someone calling what we do

As always, a Greg Willis missive that is the equivalent of walking across
hot coals - you'd better be prepared for it, and in the right state of

Allan...thank Greg for jumping in.

I don't have Steiner's lectures yet...could someone who has - and who is
readily conversant with them - put up the references Greg makes to
phylloxera in Steiner's work? I realize that out of the whole they would
lose a lot, but I at least would be grateful to seem them.

Geoff Heinricks
Prince Edward Co., Ontario

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