>I truly do not mean to bash anyone. It is just a shame to see such a
>wonderful concept turn into
>such bickering, anger and the need to prove or put down.

Just for the record, Chris, I missed the anger and bickering that 
seems to have disturbed you. I've just seen Gil, Glen, Hugh, Jane, et 
al trying to get a better grasp of each others understanding of what 
biodynamics is. (Among other things.)

Gotta break some eggs to make omlets. Gotta smash some rocks together 
to make sparks. A lot of good ideas come through when folks like 
these start butting heads.

Aside from this, how would this really work any other way, other than 
for the whole group to sit still and assume that one or two people 
really knew what biodynamics is/was/shall be and then plan to just 
listen to them? And then we can all done a pious mode, knowing that 
we know someone who knows?

Well, that's not the way we do it here on Biodynamics Now!

Aside from all of that, I think we've all come a long way in 
extending a modicum of civility as we share our insights and feelings.

Folks, be polite by all means, and, yes, inhabit a living a prayer, 
but please don't allow yourself to be ashamed to share a divergent 
opinion, or a heartfelt question.

-Allan Balliett
moderator, BD Now!

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