>I wish you'd comment on this info a bit more. What intentional particles?
>And intention--who's and how to counteract this?

Jane - I talk to farmer regularly - particularly farmers in 
California's Central Valley - who believe that the u.s. airforce is 
depositing small particles of aluminum in the atmosphere. They are 
doing this with alarming regularity and the effects of these drops 
can often be seen, they tell me, by long lasting 'vapor trails.' I'm 
told that at times the sky over the valley becomes a checkerboard, 
with enough lines to make over a hundred squares in the sky. Of 
course, there is even less rainfall in the area than usual.

What's up and why? Who knows? Plausible explanations: the military 
working with the forces of globalization to make certain that all 
U.S. commercial agriculture will occur in other countries? The 
airforce working for the insurance companies to put an end to strong 
tropical storms reaching the U.S. mainland? The airforce  working 
overtime to insure record snows in Utah for the Olympics? Who knows...

But, it's stuff like this that's making cloudbusting - - with it's 
ability to suck clouds of anti-life forces out of the sky - - a 
growing operation on savvy biological farms.

Here's a question for you: why is the government so concerned that I 
wear my seatbelt that they hold more roadblocks for checking 
seatbelts than they ever do for checking exhaust systems for leaks, 
or breaks, or wipers, or, it seems to me, sobriety.


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