I am back on line after a wonderful 3 weeks in India. Will be writing a
report soon, but lets just tempt you with the fact that BD is going great in
Highly innovative, making soil out of desert and rock and producing
delicious BD food.
Working on all types of produce, from vanilla, pepper, paddy rice, sugar
cane, coconuts,cocao, bananas, papaya, cotton, dairy, tropical fruits,
coffee, tea, vegetables and herbs plus working with peasant farmers in
native villages in very poor country.
Peter Proctor has done a fantastic job getting them all started, and now
they are up and running their own week long workshops many times a year.
They have scientists doing work on the BD preps and composts etc, have
written their own Planting Calendar and even have a group growing the prep
plants, making the preps and packing and distributing the BD preps.
The local farmers are coming to their doors wanting to learn how to grow
this new way, for they can see the results.
We have made a video - so will have lots to discuss soon.
Re your friend coming - see my contact info below, ask her to ring and we
will work something out. I will be in Queensland next week for 2 weeks,
doing workshops, and in Brisbane on 17th for a Home Gardeners Workshop, so
if she is there then we may be able to connect.
Best wishes,
Cheryl Kemp
Education and Workshop Coordinator
Phone /Fax : 02 6657 5322
Home: 02 6657 5306
Mobile: 0427 575306

----- Original Message -----
Sent: Monday, February 25, 2002 8:23 AM
Subject: Austarlia farms

> I need Cheryl Kemps contact info...a scientist friend from Cornell is
> to
> Aus for six months and I have intrigued her with bd...also any other info
> bd farms in Australia... thanks in advance sstorch

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