Dear Cheryl,

I wanted to let you know that I would like to use an excerpt from the post
below in the biodynamic news section of Spiritual Science (formerly
LILIPOH).Sounds like it was a great experience.

I am working with Christine as the Biodynamic Editor of the magazine, so
keep me in mind when anything particularly exciting or newsy comes up! We
are developing a news section high lighting world happenings in biodynamics.

Thanks Cheryl,
Christy Korrow
Biodynamic Editor, Spiritual Science Magazine

----- Original Message -----
From: Cheryl Kemp <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Sunday, February 24, 2002 5:29 PM
Subject: Re: Australia farms

> Steve,
> I am back on line after a wonderful 3 weeks in India. Will be writing a
> report soon, but lets just tempt you with the fact that BD is going great
> India.
> Highly innovative, making soil out of desert and rock and producing
> delicious BD food.
> Working on all types of produce, from vanilla, pepper, paddy rice, sugar
> cane, coconuts,cocao, bananas, papaya, cotton, dairy, tropical fruits,
> coffee, tea, vegetables and herbs plus working with peasant farmers in
> native villages in very poor country.
> Peter Proctor has done a fantastic job getting them all started, and now
> they are up and running their own week long workshops many times a year.
> They have scientists doing work on the BD preps and composts etc, have
> written their own Planting Calendar and even have a group growing the prep
> plants, making the preps and packing and distributing the BD preps.
> The local farmers are coming to their doors wanting to learn how to grow
> this new way, for they can see the results.
> We have made a video - so will have lots to discuss soon.
> Re your friend coming - see my contact info below, ask her to ring and we
> will work something out. I will be in Queensland next week for 2 weeks,
> doing workshops, and in Brisbane on 17th for a Home Gardeners Workshop, so
> if she is there then we may be able to connect.
> Best wishes,
> Cheryl Kemp
> Education and Workshop Coordinator
> Phone /Fax : 02 6657 5322
> Home: 02 6657 5306
> Mobile: 0427 575306
> web:

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