Title: Adamantine Particles [was Re: Electronics and cancer]
In the interest of letting worry inhabit some other plane,
I'll interpose a little new age quantum work.
>From Glenda Green's book Love Without End Jesus Speaks
ISBN 0-9666623-1-8

In Love & Light

Chapter 4
The Adamantine Particles

Whenever Jesus spoke about the adamantine particles. He would always remind me that love commands them. He said emphatically, "No matter how far we advance our technology, unless we have love we have nothing."
These particles represent a continuous flow of high frequency potential which manifests into discrete forms and arrangements under the command of love. Unfortunately humankind is so dominated by sensory perception and structural explanations that we are virtually unconscious of this powerful moving force of life. This ever present and never-ending river of life so completely eludes our normal perception that I am confounded in the task of explaining it. Only by resorting, to the Master's own approach would I have any hopes of being successful.

As I reviewed the various ways in which He addressed the subject, one thing was consistent. His explanations were always simple. relevant, and direct. although I was usually caught by surprise. We would be talking about something quite ordinary,  when He would introduce a new
consideration to change my viewpoint or to provoke a higher understanding. His original comment might have been as unassuming as,

"Have you ever noticed how well it goes when you love your job?"

Naturally, I would reply to the affirmative. and then we would be "off to the races." moving toward the larger purpose of His statement. In presenting this subject. it is my intention to focus on its practical application to life as well as its simple adherence to truth. Therefore, in beginning, I would like you to contemplate how a cheerful attitude graces the day with more pleasure. Is it not true that everything around you is transformed when your love radiates its light? Have you noticed how beautiful a pregnant woman can be? The old adage "the world loves a lover" can also be demonstrated in countless ways. A couple in love are
glowing and magnetic! Is it not a pleasure to be in the presence of their happiness? Now, just imagine the exchange of energy they will have with each other over the course of a lifetime or just in the space of a few days or weeks. A dramatic example of this mutual energy exchange can be found in the newspaper photos of couples celebrating their fiftieth anniversaries. Over the years they have even grown to look alike! Sometimes you can also enjoy a chuckle at the resemblance between people and their pets! This is quite a phenomenon that leads us to ask, "What is going on?"

Jesus explained that in the presence of love there is an exchange of adamantine particles. Take, for example, the love of a married couple. The man's love has an effect on the adamantine particles of his wife, while the woman's love has a similar effect on her husband's. Love is intermingling their life energies as they grow together in thought, mind, and heart. Over time, even their physical appearances begin to blend. Have you ever noticed how people from common geographical origins often bear subtle resemblance to one another? With the aid of technology, people can even be traced to their birth families by voice tone. It is their love that binds and sets the adamantine particles into harmonious resonance. These things are evident to anyone who cares to look.

The knowledge of adamantine particles is not limited to particle physics, galactic travel, or etheric realms. It is critical to our understanding of life right here and now. From the conscious awareness of this life force, you will begin to understand why the plant you love is the one that blooms. Where love is present, there is a free exchange of adamantine particles which accounts for one's ability to have a positive effect upon life. These tiny particles are the building blocks for all complex forms in the universe. If these tiny irreducible particles are under the command of love, is there any wonder that an immediate improvement results from giving some animate life form, such as a plant or a pet, to a person who is physically challenged? Such a practice of giving love gifts is proving beneficial in many realms of healing. Minimum security prisons and mental hospitals are finding plants and pets to be great therapeutic aids. These living companions provide a new way of interacting freely outside the realm of structure, freely with life.

Almost everyone has gone to nature for healing, or just to "get away from it all." Perhaps one of the best reasons to be with nature is to connect with it all. It appears not to matter whether one's connection is conscious
or intuitive, exchanges still occur according to patterns of synchronicity
with the environment. It never ceases to amaze me how the fisherman
"feels" where the fish are biting and the woodsman "feels" his path. I
shared with Jesus my fond recollection of riding horseback across the hills
of North Texas. Never once did my horse step in a gopher hole or trip on
a rock, even though she never looked down. He explained that her ongoing
exchange with the Earth kept her informed of the terrain. This depth of
information and perception is available to anyone who understands the
continuous exchange of life energy. We usually refer to this feeling as
"intuition" or "sixth sense," but such references tend to suggest the
nebulous world of privileged perception. Jesus said, "This awareness is
available to all, " and that our ancestors were more practiced in these
abilities than we are today. Like any true ability, this perception of vital
exchange grows with practice, and declines with lack of usage. I began,
therefore, to observe as much as I could in everything I did.
Whenever possible, I took special notice of nature and its patterns of
vital exchange. One day, just for sheer pleasure, I spent a whole day in our
city garden on my favorite bench in the shade of a magnificent old pecan
tree. There, in quiet admiration, I bathed in the free flow of adamantine
particles. It was not long before I felt complete oneness with the
environment in a way that released all barriers. Then suddenly, a flock of
crows descended upon the lawn in front of me just as a host of squirrels
rushed through the trees. The crows pecked the grass while the squirrels
scampered for nuts. There were some mockingbirds and a few little yellow
finches that decided to pay a visit. It was almost as if my secret garden had
come alive. One by one the crows and squirrels approached, innocently and
freely, as if they had never seen a human and had no perception of me as
a threat. The sense of peace was remarkable and the sensation was one of
"inhaling nature." Then a fascinating thing happened. One of the crows had
caught a green garden snake, and held it up proudly for me to see. I
remarked, "Oh, isn't that pretty." I'm not sure why I expected the bird to
understand my meaning. I simply felt that he would. At that moment he
walked over toward me, and stopped about five feet away to demonstrate
how proficiently he could devour his dinner. He was quite the showman!

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