Sorry, there are actually two meetings.  Wednesday, 6-8:30 PM PST is the Neighborhood Weed Control Project Meeting where people on our road will meet the new Weed Supervisor and we'll do a holistic management sharing session about the road right-of-way with ranchers and residential families who live on the wooded rest of the road.

Thursday, 6-8:30 PST is a Bonner County Noxious Weed Advisory Committee Meeting where a lot of things will happen.  They will have their say on my report on the above project for 2001 and will say whether they think we deserve to get our cost-share money.  They are waiting to hear from the Weed Supervisor about our meeting the previous night.

Then they will discuss and accept a Job Description for the Secretary and By-Laws.  I'm concerned about their trying to stifle me in the By-Laws.  Do you think this paragraph is appropriate for By-Laws, or at all?

"An individual member may participate as a member of another Cooperative Weed Management Area group or groups, representing or providing input as a Bonner County Noxious Weed Advisory Committee member only if representing the interests of the majority of the group and with the BCNWAC's knowledge and approval."

I am the only organic member of the Board and sometimes I have to call the whole bunch on something as I did several years ago when they insisted on putting Triclopyr into the Pend Oreille River for Eurasian watermilfoil when it was on an experimental registration and wasn't supposed to be in running water and was upstream from a town over the border in the next state that didn't use herbicide and there was a Kalispel Reservation downstream after that.  I put a letter in all the papers of the towns that were to be affected when the Commissioners, the Weed Board and the then Weed Supervisor were going ahead and doing it and I signed my name and put Bonner County Weed Advisory Board under it.

Should this be expunged from the By-Laws?  On what grounds?

Thanks for any help you can give me.


Moen Creek wrote:

Merla please tell us when is this meeting.

In Love & Light

P.S. Breath

Organization: home
Date: Tue, 05 Mar 2002 06:37:51 -0800
Subject: Thanks for holding our meeting in the light
Yes, another meeting.  This is the Rapid Lightning Neighborhood Weed
Project.  We will be meeting the new Weed Supervisor and I am hoping to
bring together the conventional paradigm ranchers who live at the
beginning of the road in an agricultural use area and the 300 residents
of a forest road, most of whom don't want herbicide sprayed by the

I am using the method for conducting the meeting recommended by a
trained facilitator whom I spoke to by phone and I read Allan Savory's
book, Holistic Management.  People sit in a circle.

It starts out with a grounding which asks each person to give their name
and tell (mind) what they hope to accomplish in the meeting and (heart)
how they feel about being there.  I've had no training, but thank
goodness for the phone conversation.

Folks, I really like being on this list/serve, but I need Radionics
101.  Does anybody have the energy to send me a basic orientation?  My
husband says that you people must have all sorts of degrees  to be
batting all this stuff around.  I do not have a scientific background
and my husband simply is not interested.  I am.  I have good info on the
FB, but not the other instruments.  I wish that somehow I could get to
the conference in October.  I would have to visit my relatives in
Chattanooga, but that doesn't really seem possible.

I am very interested in hearing the tapes.  I will have to confer with
my Mac Mentor about whether this 68040 computer will do this.  I think
it will, but I don't know how yet.

Best wishes,


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