Dear Jennifer,
I have never vaccinated my children, and I have been yelled at and threatened to be reported to social services by a doctor, plus treated very badly on many occasions at our local health department. Now in Kentucky we are blessed to have an MD who is also a homepathic/ anthroposophical doctor. I drove 21/2 hours to see him this fall, for my daughter to have a visit with him. When he asked me if I immunized, and I said no, he said " I am so glad". It was the most wonderful experience to have a competent medical doctor support my descision. He has also been very supportive in helping me equipe myself with home remedies, since I am 2 1/2 hours away from the nearest health food store. I am so sorry you are having to deal with this. Is there any way you could establish a relationship with a good natural doctor in your area? I would be interested in knowing where you live. You may already know about them, but I have had excellent results with the Weleda remedies for colds and flu, started at first signs of on set of symptoms. There is also a home remedy kit put together by Dr. Incao, a great anthroposophical doctor who has some great perspectives on immunization.
CPS  B?!@#.
A big hug, Christy
----- Original Message -----
Sent: Friday, March 08, 2002 1:47 PM
Subject: Re: Off: Mandated vaccinations coming

Me too Bonnie. My 5 yr old is autistic due to vaccination.
We totaly don't 'do' the doctor thing, but this last week I thought my child had appendicitis (sp?), so I took her to the

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