My heart goes out to you and to all others in this situation. It is truly insane that government can just walk in and take your children away if they want to. There is a good but hidden reason why the state has the authority to do this to you and your kids.

The issue has to do with sovereignty. Here is what Burney Brushears Author of "Strategic Withdrawal" has to say about the marriage license contract:


"In applying for a marriage license, you are doing exactly the same thing as two slaves who approach the plantation owner and request permission to mate. Also, like slaves, any offspring would be born as slaves and would be the property of the same plantation owner...By signing an application for a marriage license, you have made the government a partner and co-owner of everything produced by the marriage, including the offspring".


The jist of the issue is that we have allowed government to take away our freedoms and rights just by signing our name. By our own hand the state is given permission to regulate us. The state then has authority to mandate vaccinations for our children and mandate that our kids be educated in government (public) schools.


A Social Security number (SSN), is a co-signer I.D. to the national debt . If you have a driver’s license, then you have willingly given up your constitutional right to free passage. The drivers license contract converted that right into a taxable privilege so that we now have no right to travel under any conditions except by those imposed by the licenser – the government. The IRS has the authority to loot bank accounts, lien property and garnish wages without a court order to authorize it because when we went to the bank to open an account using a SSN we had to sign a bank signature card – another legal contract. When we signed the bankcard we consented to abide by the rules of the bank  The rules of the bank state that we are obligated to abide by the “administrative rules of the department of the Treasury”. IRS agents will file these signature card contracts as exhibits at a trial and the judge will enforce this voluntary contract. A person is presumed to understand and concur with that which bears his signature!


More from Burney:

"In title 28 USC  3002(15) the term "United States" includes any federal corporation, federal agency, or instrumentality of the United States. The agency that exercises jurisdiction under the Buck Act is the United States, by and through the Secretary of the Treasury, who is a wholly-owned, bought-and-paid-for, stooge for the International Monetary Fund."
"A legal "instrument" is any written document such as a contract, deed, or a lease. An "Instrumentality" is the person who is created by, bound by, or obligated upon the face of an instrument. When your name is on an instrument called a Social Security Card, voter registration card, or driver's license, you are the instrumentality obligated by that instrument. Because you are the bankrupt United States, ( the US publicly admitted bankruptcy on March 7, 1933) then you have no right to buy, own, or use property. You are subject to taxation and regulation in the form of traffic fines, user fees, licenses, and so forth. The remedy is the rescission of the contracts and instruments."
Be a free sovereign and live under God's laws, or be a state slave and live under man's corrupt laws. Can't do both. The choice is ours.
 -----Original Message-----
From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf Of Jennifer Rochester
Sent: Friday, March 08, 2002 12:48 PM
Subject: Re: Off: Mandated vaccinations coming

Me too Bonnie. My 5 yr old is autistic due to vaccination.
We totaly don't 'do' the doctor thing, but this last week I thought my child had appendicitis (sp?), so I took her to the hospital to find out. Turned out she had a kidney infection. They were not going to let us leave without seeing her take some antibiotics first. As this was happening, I was praying, asking how the heck we could get out of this one. I really didn't think we could. Well, as soon as she tasted the antibiotic, she threw up BIG-TIME! As the nurse stepped out of the room to get something to clean it up, I dumped the rest down the sink :-)
We went to the health food store the next morning and got some great herbal tea that has a few natural antibiotics in it, as well as some good tasting chewable tablets that were made from cranberries. The infection is almost completely gone now, without antibiotics (of course!)
Anyway, CPS just showed about 10 minutes ago, because the hospital turned us in for not vaccinating! My heart is still in my throat!!! She said she just needed to make sure it wasn't a money issue or anything like that. She says we're ok, but I have had friends who have had their children taken away because of this issue, so I am having a bit if a hard time calming down at the moment. Prayers, etc. would be MUCH appreciated from anyone here. On top of it all, when she came, I was outside playing with my kids. So she of course asked why they weren't in school. Well, we homeschool, which is fine, but we are not registered, as I don't believe in it. I am SO hoping this doesn't lead to anything.


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