My understanding of the Shatnez is based on research by Phil Callahan and from
private correspondence, which included copies of his pathology reports on his

A Shatnez is a Paramagnetic/ Diamagnetic resonator.

Lost you already?

It was originally a vest like garment made from a natural fibre capable of
holding moisture, saturated with water with an electrolyte. Probably hemp or
linen. But one can use hessian or burlap - "sugar bag" "chaff bag" what

The Rabbi's of Biblical times wore the garment for protection when working
with the sick. The electrolyte can be sweat or sea salt and water (never
table salt). It is better if wood ash is included in the water. I use a
mixture of several Australian hardwoods and some fruit woods. I prepare the
ash, taking care to see nothing else is mixed and usually use the heat to
burn peppers at the same time.

The original garment was re wet when it dried out. Phil had his wife make
his to fit, then covered it with "Glad Wrap", " Cling Wrap" what ever you
local product is.

I found that the Shatnez has a sizeable force field and felt it did not need
to be huge. I make mine to fit in Press Seal plastic bags, different sizes for
applications. I use two layers of hessian, edge stitch with over locker and
make a St George Cross and a St Andrews Cross with the sewing machine, (looks a bit
like a Union Jack!), which holds it all nice and flat. I soak it for three hours in
sea salt and ash,
with some added super fine highly paramagnetic rock dust (<70micron). I then
drain and put in the press seal bag while still very wet. They will stand at
least a year of use, without rewetting. (Best Shatnez to date!!). I also
make neat little "pillow cases" out of polly cotton, to cover the plastic bag. I
supply a spare, so one
can be in the wash while the other is in use. In some cases, a "pillow case"
can be tacked inside a garment and left there during washing (with the
Shatnez removed).

I had a vertebra collapse and was in huge pain and was threatened with
spinal fusion etc. I wore a small shatnez day and night, while taking super
fine agricultural dolomite and the same of paramagnetic rock dust. From
being wedge shaped and displacing the ones each side, it now, two years later, can
not be
picked in the X-Ray I had last week.

The Shatnez acts as both antenna and resonator, attracting healing energy
and converting it to the required frequency. Read Phil Callahan's work for what
frequencies, most of my understanding is based on Phil's work and that of several
others working on his line, here in Oz. I have many stories of people getting great
help from mine.

Does that help?

If you make them and use them, I would be interested in feed back on how you
get on with them. I should publish on them and could do with some other
peoples experiences to get a larger range of situations.


Allan Balliett wrote:

> How'd you make this Shatnez, Gil.
> I had dinner with Callahan one night at ACRES and he simply referred
> to the 'bandage' as a Reichian accumulator. It was alternating layers
> of organic/inorganic material, wasn't it?
> -Allan
> >Allan Balliett wrote: Incidentally, Phil Callahan is fond of saying that a
> >Reichian acculator-based poltice he made for his chest cured him of cancer.
> >
> >I did not know Phil credited it to Reich. He calls it a "Shatnez" and uses
> >Biblical referees.
> >
> >I have experimented with it and made some design developments to
> >make it easier to
> >use.
> >
> >One example:- Fran, my wife a a few days from an advanced Massage Training
> >workshop, when she broke two or three ribs. The area was too painful
> >to touch and
> >her use of the left arm made it very painful. If she missed this workshop, her
> >tactile therapies studies would be put back a year. She wore a
> >Shatnez night and
> >day and when the workshop came she was fine and could have the area
> >massaged and
> >could massage without pain. I do not know of a similar recovery and was most
> >impressed.
> >
> >Gil

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