Dears -
You know, this list is quite the community.  Reading the postings re your 
shed, Allan, made me on the one hand wish that we all were in fact a 
physical community - what a grand event your shed would be!  And then I 
realized that we are in fact a community - of energy and support and 
inspiration.  Each of us, in our own way, is out there trying to bring 
light into darkness, life into lifelessness.  Our presence for each other 
provides an oasis of confirmation that what we are doing is in fact what 
urgently needs to be done.  Blessings on us all.

At 08:22 AM 3/19/02 -0500, you wrote:
>Wayne -
>Thanks for taking the time to write the good note.
>We never use pressure treated wood in any fashion near food that humans 
>will eat or, in fact, anywhere on this conservation property.
>Were you, perhaps, talking about the 'new, improved' pressure treated 
>wood? If so, I'd like to hear more about it.
>We use locust posts/ logs/ timbers in most situtions where pressure 
>treated wood w.b. called for in conventional construct. Yes, using logs 
>can be very tedious!
>PS Just an 'update' for everyone: this is not a tractor shed, this is a 
>shed for storing hand tools (spades/forks), amendments (rock dust) and 
>field seed (rye/buckwheat/etc) I am hoping to also be able to have a 
>'desk' at the entrance way.

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