>Dave, everything's O.K. as long as it isn't purchased.  If I had made the 
>Field Spray myself, then it wouldn't have to be registered.  Here are two 
>I got from Randy, my nemesis yesterday andtoday.  Here is Title 22,
>Chapter 22-2205 Registration, Chapter 22-2218 Violations, Chapter 22-2219
>Remedies for Violations from Idaho Statutes. Myconclusion is that I will have
>to jump through the hoop.  Hugh Courtney can't afford to.

It sounds logical from a government mindset -- whatever they use has to be 
registered. I wonder if JPI can even provide with sufficient information on 
the ingredients. Like is "dry compost powder" sufficient without lab 
analysis? I doubt it, And I doubt that you can get away with a mere $100. I 
expect a lot more will be required for lab analysis.
Another option to consider -- make your own BC and weed peppers, if there 
is an exception for locally made or non-purchased materials (which I didn't 
see in Chapter 22).

Dave Robison

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