>My preference for not going with credit card payments is that Paypal 
>deducts .029% + .30 per transaction. For example, if there is a $10 
>donation, they will deduct .59. I don't know about others, but to me 
>that's a good chunk. But then, I'm not just a penny pincher, I'm a 
>penny squeezer <G>

Thanks for the full disclosure, Bonnie.

Compared to the price of an international money order or registered 
international mail or virtually any currency exchance transaction, 
this is not expensive. Compared to excluding someone from 
contributing because there is too much hassle to go through to make a 
contribution, it's a deal.

Sure I hate buying into the bank's games but, on the other hand, I 
don't want to be pound foolish, either.

Anyone's return for a $10 contribution will be much greater than 
transaction fees.


Thanks -Allan

PS as far as your email address, well, there's little reason to 
disguise it:  it's already all over the headers of your email.

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