>Dear Hugh
>This quote below is from Merla's last posting. I have had this (or similar)
>argued to me on several occasions recently  - they are probably technicly
>correct ???but I always wonder whether these people have some sound reason
>for their statements or is this just another little tilt at the field
>broadcaster from those opposed to its use ?? Someone said something about
>copper going out into the soil - my immediate thought was that in our copper
>deficient soils that would most likely be a plus.
> Maybe you can de-bunk this for us or at least put it into perspective?
>" He said to tell you that titanium (Is that right?) wire would be better
>than copper
> wire in the FB."
>Lloyd Charles

Dear Lloyd,

For sure I've entertained these debates. Right now I'm using copper top and
bottom plates with tin coated copper wire coils. It is not a lot of either
copper or tin, but perhaps (this is unproven) there is some bias to the
broadcast, which is a good reason to use copper (venus) coated in tin
(jupiter) to balance things out.  But if there is an effect it seems to be
slight, and I've been using this on my farm for going on 17 years. What I
did find a few years back when I put a copper sulfate reagent in the well
was we all quickly got loaded up with copper. I could taste it on my
tongue. I think the difference is one of vehicle and intent. Nevertheless,
we are looking forward to the time when we can make all our circuits from
gold, the metal of the sun.

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