Received this today. Its free! Christy
----- Original Message -----
From: Laurel Hopwood <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Thursday, April 18, 2002 12:08 PM

> HEARTBREAK IN THE HEARTLAND: The True Cost of Genetically Engineered Crops
> In this 26 minute video, farmers on the frontlines share their thoughts on
> how GEOs (genetically engineered organisms) are threatening agriculture,
> consumer choice, and the environment.
> - non-GEO crops and ecosystems are being invaded by uncontrollable,
> pervasive GEO pollen drift
> - herbicide resistant plants ("superweeds") are increasingly difficult to
> eradicate
> - farmers' rights to save and replant seed are under attack
> - legal decisions on patented seeds will determine the future of
> agriculture and the food supply
> - Monsanto's aggressive tactics are bringing grief to farmers across the
> heartland
> - political and regulatory decisions are determined by for-profit
> agendas
> - consumers are being denied the right to know and choose
> - the natural genetic evolution of life on this planet is being
> irreversibly altered for profit
> The Sierra Club Genetic Engineering Committee (GEC) is distributing (free
> of charge) this re-edited version of 'Genetically Engineered Seeds of
> Controversy: Biotech Bullies Threaten Farmer and Consumer Rights' which
> videotaped last October at the University of Texas at Austin.
> We ask that you show this video at Sierra Club meetings and share the
> with TV stations, local community groups, farmers, regulatory agencies,
> lawmakers, etc.
> If you would like a copy, please e-mail your name and address to
> [EMAIL PROTECTED] You may also contact me for information about
> obtaining additional copies.
> Laurel Hopwood, Chair
> Sierra Club Genetic Engineering Committee
> ky

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