Hi All,
Does anyone have experience using a siphon mixer?
----- Original Message -----
Sent: Monday, May 13, 2002 2:50 PM
Subject: Re: Badger cull (was Re: You & CWD)

In N.Z. the possum is blamed for T.B. but T.B. occurs where there had never been any possum (Australian brush tail possum) I'm sure that if these animals had never been brought to N.Z. our cows would have had T.B. just the same. May be its time to find out what the real cause of T.B. is and do something about that.
There is one suggestion here that there is a link to the soil levels of iron and mangenese. Does anyone live in an area where cattle don't get T.B.? Perhaps naturpaths or other health workers might have some suggestions that we can work through. It might be as simple as diligent use of all the Steiner remedies!!
Perhaps one could pepper a badger barrier round dairy and cattle pasture!!
Best wishes,    Peter.
----- Original Message -----
Sent: Wednesday, May 01, 2002 4:39 AM
Subject: Off: Badger cull (was Re: You & CWD)

Wherever there's a problem, kill the obvious suspect without considering the consequences !    Those overseas from the UK might be interested to know that the 'experimental' badger cull re-started yesterday.  Badgers and cows both suffer from tuberculosis.  Farmers and the Agriculture Department interpret this as indicating that the badgers are spreading it to the cows, and are carrying out a massive 'experiment' during which tens of thousands of badgers will be killed over a period of 5 years.  It is claimed that the TB situation at the end of that time will prove that badgers are the problem.  Wildlife enthusiasts point out that TB can be passed from cow to cow and conditions during which cows were cooped up together during the foot-and-mouth epidemic would be ideal for this klind of infection.  Now that re-stocking is permitted, potentially infected cows can be moved over considerable distances and TB is showing up where it never previously occurred.  TB testing should be required before such movements and vaccination is possible, but both are 'too expensive'.  As always, we'll find out much too late that the alternatives are even more expensive (but someone else pays ?). 
                                               Tony N-S.

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