>I believe, and someone jump down my throat if I am wrong, that you can make
>hay out of green rye and then feed it to animals. The hay part means you can
>save it and feed it only as needed. The animal part means they will work it
>into a green slurry for you, and then even produce milk, meat, wool, in the
>bargain. Yeah, you'll get a little less green slurry that way, but believe
>me, making anything like cereal rye into a green slurry takes more
>horsepower or patience than most of us likely have, plus your time might be
>better spent elsewhere.

Frank - It takes a very mature cow to be able to properly digest 
winter rye 'grass' or 'hay.' That pretty much excludes we stocker 
scheme folks, who are working with animals less than 2 years old. It 
would take a lot of rabbits to eat the stacks of rye that I have , 
but I'll try some of it on some of them tomorrow. -Allan

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